SFDP-Logo-2015-150pixelsCandidates who have submitted completed questionnaires will appear in small groups at regular intervals, to present and answer questions. Come and meet them! Ballots are due at the end of the meeting, and will be counted immediately.

WHEN: Tuesday, April 12, at 7pm
WHERE: Potrero Hill Neighborhood House, downstairs in the Game Room, 953 De Haro St @ Southern Heights

JudicialCands2016Tuesday, April 5th: Judicial candidate forum, Presidential primary, ballot measures – RESULTS

The forum of candidates for Superior Court Judge, Office #7 – Paul Henderson, Victor Hwang, Sigrid Irias (counterclockwise from left, photo by John O’Neill)- was moderated by attorney & PHDC board member J.R. Eppler. Presidential Primary candidates Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton were represented by Gustav Feldman and Susan Pfeifer, respectively; presentations and audience Q&A were moderated by PHDC V.P. Tony Kelly.

ALL the candidates & surrogates were so strong and compelling that no judicial candidate and no presidential candidate got the 60% of votes necessary for endorsement. So:

SF Superior Court, Office 7 – No position

U.S. President – No position

Both of the above races will be voted on again (top two for judge, Democratic nominee for President), in the General Election in November.

After presentations by Club officers, members voted the following endorsements on six local & regional ballot measures and one statewide measure:

Prop A – Yes – Public Health and Safety Bond
Prop B – No – Park, Recreation and Open Space Fund. Charter Amendment.
Prop C – Yes – Affordable Housing Requirements. Charter Amendment.
Prop D – Yes – Office of Citizen Complaints Investigations. Initiative Ordinance.
Prop E – Yes – Paid Sick Leave. Initiative Ordinance.
Measure AA – Yes  – Clean and Healthy Bay Parcel Tax. Regional Measure.
Prop 50 – Yes – Suspension of Legislators Amendment. CA Constitutional Amendment.

WHEN: Tuesday, April 5, at 7pm
WHERE: Potrero Hill Neighborhood House, 953 De Haro St @ Southern Heights


Tuesday, April 12th: Democratic County Central Committee candidates from Assembly District 17

Candidates who have submitted completed questionnaires will appear in small groups at regular intervals, to present and answer questions. Come and meet them! Ballots are due at the end of the meeting, and will be counted immediately.

WHEN: Tuesday, April 12, at 7pm
WHERE: Potrero Hill Neighborhood House, downstairs in the Game Room, 953 De Haro St @ Southern Heights

Screen Shot 2016-03-09 at 12.16.24 PMWe’ve heard about the problems. We’ve seen the problems. At this meeting, the conversation was about SOLUTIONS – real, imagined; happening, never tried; possible, impossible; short-term, long-term; direct action, legislation; good, perfect…

The amazing panel consisted of (left to right in photo above):

PHDC Vice-President Tony Kelly moderated. The program opened with Melodie, reading a letter she had written about some of the trauma she and her fellow vehicle dwellers have experienced.

In addition to their own organizations, panelists recommended some resources to find out more and get involved. In San Francisco: HandUp online fundraising to help an individual in need; volunteering with Project Homeless Connect at events offering many services under one roof; Downtown Streets team. Also: Dignity Village in Portland, OR.

* Amy Weiss requests that you take the online quiz/survey to test your knowledge about the status quo of homelessness in SF and learn more about the Saint Francis Homelessness Challenge. Thanks.

WHEN: Tuesday, March 1, at 7pm
WHERE: Potrero Hill Neighborhood House, 953 De Haro St @ Southern Heights

Robyn ThomasGuns and sugar – how sadly American is that? We took up both topics, and more.

Robyn Thomas, left, Executive Director of the Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence, has been keeping up the good fight in the face of daunting challenges. It’s been about three years since she appeared at our club, it was time for another conversation. Photo: John O’Neill.

Robin Dean, activist for the soda tax last time around, spoke about the new, revised and possibly more passable version now gathering signatures in San Francisco, The Sugary Drinks Distributor Tax Ordinance. Members voted to endorse the proposed measure.

In addition:
✧ Members passed an amendment to the Bylaws – an update to comply with a new requirement of the CA Democratic Party.
✧ Members passed a resolution supporting an environmental appeal of the permanent shuttle program.
✧ 2016 officers were elected:

President – Joni Eisen
1st Vice-President (membership) – Tony Kelly
2nd Vice-President (political action) – Bob Boileau
Secretary – Gary Horowitz
Treasurer – Audrey Cortes
Tech Officer – John O’Neill
Officer-At-Large – Kim Christensen
Officer-At-Large – J.R. Eppler
Officer-At-Large – Eliana López
Officer-At-Large – Monisha Mustapha

WHEN: Tuesday, February 2, 7pm
WHERE: Potrero Hill Neighborhood House, 953 De Haro St @ Southern Hts

City College Trustee John Rizzo, recently returned from testifying in DC against the deservedly disgraced accrediting commission, gave an update on the situation at CCSF. With the help of PHDC’s mascot. Photo: John O’Neill.

District 2 Supervisor Mark Farrell discussed the Shared Schoolyard Project, which he revamped in 2012 to open playgrounds to the public on weekends, with the goal of expanding it to 80 schools. Club members voted to endorse the program.

PHDC Executive Committee member Audrey Cortes gave her impressions of the Paris Climate Change Conference, which she attended with Oakland Mayor Libby Schaff. PHDC president Joni Eisen talked about the Voters Right to Know Act and collected signatures to help put it on the November ballot.

Nominations opened for 2016 Club Officers (election to be held in February).
donkey dots
Members pinned dots on the donkey to vote for the topics & issues they would most like the Club to take on or revisit.  Top dot-getters (in alphabetical order): affordable housing crisis, Black Lives Matter, homelessness, income gap, labor issues, overturning Citizens United, preventing gun violence, voter education via endorsement meetings.

Santa beer

There will be no regular PHDC meeting in December. Instead, come celebrate the season with us and our friends in the Potrero Boosters Neighborhood Association. Local beer, local snacks, local friends. (Please bring something for the local Food Bank, too.) Age 21 and older only please.

WHEN: Saturday, December 5th, 3pm to 5pmBeer Santa
WHERE: Triple Voodoo Brewery, 2245 3rd St (19th/20th St)
ADMISSION: a non-perishable item for the SF-Marin Food Bank

Doorhanger frontDoorhanger backVOTE!!! Since our regular venue, the Neighborhood House theater, will be used as a polling place, PHDC will hold its monthly meeting in the back room of the Connecticut Yankee. After you vote – and get out the vote – come enjoy snacks on us, no-host bar, camaraderie and a couple of brief presentations:

  • SF PUC with an update on CleanPowerSF
  • A representative from BART to talk about the Better BART Initiative

Then, rest assured we will have a selection of election-night parties for you to head out to.

WHEN: Tuesday, November 3rd at 7pm
WHERE: Connecticut Yankee (back room), 100 Connecticut at 17th

droughtWhat is the impact of the worst drought in 1300 years on San Francisco, its residents and the Bay environment? Are we doing enough? Come hear and question the experts on anything related to the current (and future?) drought. The panel:

  • Jennifer Clary, Water Program Manager, Clean Water Action
  • Barry Nelson, Bay Conservation & Development Commissioner; Principal, Western Water Strategies
  • Adam Scow, California Director, Food & Water Watch


Moderator: Loretta Lynch, former president, CA Public Utilities Commission

WHEN: Tuesday, October 6th at 7pm
WHERE: Potrero Hill Neighborhood House, 953 De Haro at Southern Heights

A good time was had by all! Our fabulous donor list is here. Thank you everyone who helped produce the auction & party, who donated auction items and food, and who entered bids on the items. It all added up to another fun, successful event.

Auction flyer


★ Proving that Ed Lee is NOT running unopposed, Mayoral candidates Francisco Herrera,  Amy Farah Weiss, and Dan Kappler (write-in), discussed  issues vital to San Franciscans.

★ Actually unopposed candidate City Attorney Dennis Herrera spoke briefly about his accomplishments in office.

★ These props weree covered (click on titles for summaries):
B –  Paid Parental Leave for City Employees
G – Disclosures Regarding Renewable Energy
H - Defining Clean, Green, and Renewable Energy

Supervisor Katy Tang spoke in favor of Prop B, and a PHDC board member presented the lone Republican opponent’s arguments (this also happened for Prop H). Eric Brooks spoke against Prop G and in favor of Prop H.

★ Brent Turner gave an update on Open-Source Voting, endorsed some years ago by PHDC, which is about to come up before the Elections Commission.

The meeting ended with members voting to make the following endorsements:

  • AMY FARAH WEISS for Mayor
  • DENNIS HERRERA for City Attorney
  • JOSÉ CISNEROS for Treasurer
  • YES on Proposition B
  • NO on Proposition G
  • YES on Proposition H

WHEN: Tuesday, Sept 15th at 7pm
WHERE: Potrero Hill Neighborhood House,
953 De Haro St at Southern Hts.

Latest endorsements from PHDC

September 1st, 2015

The club voted on the following endorsements at its September 1st meeting. Endorsements for propositions or candidates for a single office require at least 60% of votes cast.

San Francisco Propositions
A  YES – General Obligation Bond Election – Affordable Housing
C – YES – Expenditure Lobbyists Ordinance
D – No position – Mission Rock
E NO – Requirements For Public Meetings of Local Policy Bodies
F YES – Short-Term Residential Rentals
I YES -Suspension of Market-Rate Development in the Mission District
J YES – Establishing the Legacy Business Historic Preservation Fund
K YES – Surplus City Property Ordinance

District Attorney

PHDC has already endorsed Ross Mirkarimi for Sheriff and Wendy Aragon for SF Community College Trustee.

Coming Sept 15th: endorsements for Props B, G, and H; Mayor, City Attorney, and Treasurer.

Prop F mini-debateTUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1st, 6:30pm. Housing and Good-Government night at PHDC. Props A, D, F, I, J, & K (housing) and C & E (good government) were covered. There were mini-debates on the more contentious propositions: D – Mission Rock, former Mayor Art Agnos vs. Jon Golinger; F – Short-Term Residential Rentals, Dale Carlson vs. George Marshall (photo at right); I – Suspension of Market-Rate Development in the Mission, Edwin Lindo vs. Jay Cheng.  Props  A and C, whose only known opposition came from a lone Republican, had opposing arguments presented by PHDC  board members. Props J and K, also apparently opposed by a lone Republican, actually had another Republican show up at the last minute to debate Supervisor David Campos and Fernando Marti respectively. Prop E’s proponent could not appear, so PHDC filled in. Also, District Attorney George Gascon spoke briefly about his tenure and (unopposed) campaign.

TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15th, 7:00pm. Ed Lee is NOT running unopposed! Serious candidates for Mayor who have thought long and hard about the issues that matter most to San Franciscans should be afforded the opportunity to share their ideas via public debates and policy discussions. Mayor Lee, are you up to the challenge?  Mayoral candidate debate/discussion, with Francisco Herrera, Dan Kappler (write-in), Amy Farah Weiss and others invited. We will also hear from two actually unopposed candidates: City Attorney Dennis Herrera and Treasurer José Cisneros (surrogate). We will hear about the three remaining ballot measures: B, G, & H.

Both meetings will take place at Potrero Hill Neighborhood House, 953 De Haro St at Southern Hts.



CCSF candidate forum at PHDCThe Community College Board candidate forum included three of the five candidates running for one open seat (left to right): Wendy Aragon, Alex Randolph (appointed incumbent), Tom Temprano – brilliantly moderated by PHDC VP Loretta Lynch (at right).

Sheriff candidate debatte at PHDC


The Sheriff candidate debate featured all three candidates (left to right): John Robinson, Ross Mirkarimi (incumbent), Vicki Hennessy. Moderating that one – brilliantly of course – was PHDC Secretary J.R. Eppler (at right).

The Neighborhood House theater was packed to the rafters.  The candidates were all totally engaged, and engaging. After the meeting was adjourned, members turned in their ballots, and board members did the counting while candidates and audience kept the conversations going.

Voting results: Wendy Aragon for Community College Board, and Ross Mirkarimi for Sheriff!

The club also passed a resolution in support of saving Rincon Park (site of Oldenberg’s “Cupid’s Bow” on the waterfront) from being shaded by new towers, and amended the Bylaws about endorsing candidates in multi-seat races (threshold lowered from 60% to 50%).

WHEN: Tuesday, August 4th at 7pm SHARP
WHERE: Potrero Hill Neighborhood House, 953 De Haro St @ Southern Heights

BLMpanelistsFantastic panel, thought-provoking discussion. See some photos on our Facebook page.  Below are bios of the panel, which include contact info for organizations they are affiliated with. At the bottom of this post,please find links to further reading, recommended by participants.

San Francisco-born, raised in the Ingleside district and Bayview/Hunters Point, Rheema is Black Priorities Project Organizer for Causa Justa::Just Cause. She began advocating for her community at age 13, working as a sexual awareness advocate, and while still a teen led the Bayview nonviolence-promoting dance team Supasickwidit. Rheema was then honored by then-Mayor Gavin Newsom with the “Delivering the Message” Award. While earning her BBA in Management at Texas Southern University, Rheema founded the California Club to ensure that CA students, the largest recruited community on campus, received benefits and support equal to those of in-state students. Her personal experiences and education have strengthened her commitment to educate community members as well as to address social and economic issues. Rheema is the co-founder of the women’s empowerment clothing line Supreme Queen SF as well as the women’s support group Conscious Queens. In the future Rheema sees herself running her own non-profit.

Stevon Cook
Stevon Cook is a 3rd generation San Franciscan and graduate of Thurgood Marshall High School in Bayview Hunters point. After graduating from Williams College, Stevon returned to San Francisco to join the Mayor’s City Hall Fellows program. He has spent his career focused on education equity and policy issues. Today, Stevon is the CEO of Mission Bit, an education nonprofit that uses computer science courses as a way to empower high school youth that attend public schools and create jobs for San Franciscans most affected by income inequality. Stevon serves on the board of directors for San Francisco Achievers and writes for the Huffington Post.Joe Marshall

Dr. Joseph E. Marshall, Jr. is an author, lecturer, radio talk show host, community activist, and a member of the San Francisco Police Commission. He is the founder of Alive & Free (originally Omega Boys Club), an international violence prevention organization headquartered in Dogpatch. Alive & Free has transformed the lives of more than 10,000 young people and produced 200 college graduates, all supported by the organization’s scholarship fund. Another 52 members are currently enrolled in college, and nearly 50 have gone on to earn graduate degrees. Dr. Marshall is the host of the violence prevention radio talk show “Street Soldiers,” and the subject of the PBS documentary of the same name. He authored the 1996 best-selling book, Street Soldier: One Man’s Struggle to Save a Generation, One Life at a Time. Dr. Marshall’s innovation has earned him the MacArthur Genius Award, the Children’s Defense Fund Leadership Award, the Essence Award, and the Use Your Life Award from Oprah Winfrey.

Thea Matthews
Thea Matthews is a 2nd generation San Francisco native who recently graduated from City College of San Francisco and will be attending UC Berkeley in the fall. She is a poet, student, activist, and an artivist curator. She helped lead the revival of CCSF’s Black Student Union and has actively participated in the Black Lives Matter movement. She helped organize political demonstrations, such as Millions March SF, Queers come out for #Black Lives Matter, the SF Black Lives Matter Community Building Symposium, and currently is curating a literary event honoring Black Lives and the social climate today. She continuously strives for ways to individually and collectively heal from the historical, as well as intergenerational, trauma oppressed communities have been inflicted with.


Vanessa’s East Coast roots involved several years of leadership development and anti-oppression work with youth in Philadelphia. Once in the Bay Area, she became active with several community and political organizations, including as staff for Bay Area Police Watch, a project of the Ella Baker Center for Human Rights, and as a collective member with the Center for Political Education. She received a bachelors degree from the University of Pennsylvania, and was later trained as an organizer at the National School for Strategic Organizing with the Labor/Community Strategy Center and Bus Riders Union in Los Angeles. Both before & during her current work as Program Co-Director of Causa Justa::Just Cause, Vanessa also worked for 8 years with generationFIVE to help build and evolve transformative justice practices and collaboratives. Vanessa and Rheema both are members of the Black Friday 14, arrested when they led a group to shut down West Oakland BART, and urge you to sign the petition to drop charges against them.

Maxine Anderson


Maxine was born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, and earned a BA in History from the University of Illinois, Champaign/Urbana. After graduation she worked in the insurance industry in the Chicago area before transferring to San Francisco. She continued to work in the industry until she had the opportunity to help develop and manage the claims function in the City Attorney’s Office of the City of Oakland. She then worked for the City of San Francisco in the City Attorney’s Office, a job from which she has recently retired. Maxine became actively involved with the League of Women Voters in 2003, setting up candidate forums and being a speaker with the League’s Speakers Bureau; she now serves as Advocacy Co-Chair. She also participated in the creation of another nonpartisan organization, San Francisco for Democracy, where she has been a longtime board member.

WHEN: Tuesday, July 7, at 7pm
WHERE: Potrero Hill Neighborhood House, 953 De Haro St @ Southern Hts

References, for further reading after the Black Lives Matter discussion

1. The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness, by Michelle Alexander.

2. Slavery by Another Name: The Re-Enslavement of Black People in America from the Civil War to World War II, by Douglas A. Blackmon.

3. “San Francisco Justice Reinvestment Initiative:  Racial & Ethnic Disparities Analysis for the Reentry Council.”   W. Haywood Burns Institute for Juvenile Justice, Fairness & Equity.

4. “Deadly Force: Police use of Lethal Force in the United States,” Amnesty International report

5. “The Counted,” people killed by police in the U.S. this year, compiled by The Guardian.

 The news has been maddening, depressing, heart-breaking. We need to stand together and say this has to stop. For those who want to respond to the tragic, senseless violence against the people of Mother Emanuel Church in Charleston, here is the church website. You can donate either to the Mother Emanuel Hope Fund to help the families of the nine victims with funeral expenses, or to the Reverend Pinckney Fund to help continue his work.

Meanwhile, back in San Francisco, we are putting together a stimulating panel of strong voices from various branches of the Black community, to meet and open up the conversation, and to offer folks in Potrero Hill a chance to learn and get involved in a way that is both meaningful and helpful. Panel participants have now been confirmed. Rheema Calloway, Stevon Cook, Dr. Joe Marshall, and Vanessa Moses will be joining us. Maxine Anderson will moderate. Audience Q&A, of course.

WHEN: Tuesday, July 7, at 7pm
WHERE: Potrero Hill Neighborhood House, 953 De Haro St @ Southern Hts

Erick Arguello, Edwin LindoCalle 24, the stretch of 24th Street running from Mission Street to Potrero Avenue, is known as “El Corazón de la Misión”, or “The Heart of the Mission.” Calle 24 is also the name of the group of merchants and neighbors fighting for the heart and soul of the Mission. Erick Arguello and Edwin Lindo (right) described the widespread displacement of long-time residents & businesses by skyrocketing rents, and legislation introduced by Supervisor Campos earlier that day to place a 45-day moratorium on market-rate housing in the Mission. The club voted to endorse the “No Monster in the Mission” campaign, thereby joining the Plaza 16 Coalition.

Jacie RoweSB 128 is the End-of-Life Option Act (Wolk, D-Davis, and Monning, D-Carmel), which would allow terminally ill Californians to request medication to bring about a peaceful death if their suffering becomes unbearable. Jacie Rowe (left), Northern California organizer for Compassion & Choices, discussed the bill. The club passed a resolution of support and will sign on to a letter to legislators.

There are plans afoot for preserving and expanding Medicare, America’s universal, public health plan for seniors age 65 and up, and actions to celebrate its birthday this summer. Jonathan Meade from SEIU 1021, part of Healthy California, a coalition of which PHDC is a member, invited PHDC to join the July 30th rally in Oakland.


WHEN: Tuesday, May 5th at 7pm
WHERE: Potrero Hill Neighborhood House, 953 De Haro St @ Southern Heights


Sue Vaughan spoke in opposition to AB 61, introduced in the State Assembly by Travis Allen, R-Huntington Beach, which would grant legal authority to local transit agencies to allow private shuttles to use public bus stops. Here’s an SF Examiner article about AB 61. The Club voted to send a letter of opposition to the members of the Assembly Transportation Committee, as well as our legislators. The Transportation Committee hearing in Sacramento is Monday, April 27.

Sue Vaughan also asked for support of SB 47 (Jerry Hill, D-San Mateo), a bill that would enact a 2-year moratorium on tire-crumb artificial turf to allow further study. Members passed a resolution of support, which was then sent to Senator Hill. SB 47 goes before the Senate Appropriations Committee Monday, April 13.

Sue Hestor discussed the questionable actions of the ever-expanding entity known as the Academy of Art University. Read an article about it in the SF Business Times: “After years of flouting city rules…” Members signed up to attend the hearing for the draft EIR next Thursday, April 16.  The Planning Commission meeting starts at noonin Room 400 of City Hall, and this is first on the agenda after staff reports.

Tom Gallagher presented a resolution against further U.S. aggression in or over Iraq. Read the resolution here. After a a debate with a club member and a discussion, the motion to pass the resolution was tabled.

PHDC held a special election to fill a new position; Audrey Cortes was elected as the fourth Officer-At-Large on the Executive Committee.

Members passed a 3-part amendment to the Bylaws.

WHEN: Tuesday, April 7th at 7pm
WHERE: Potrero Hill Neighborhood House, 953 De Haro St @ Southern Heights

SF City Attorney Dennis Herrera spoke about his wide-ranging work protecting the city and its residents. Cases have included protecting children from sex trafficking, defending evicted tenant relocation payments, protecting City College from the ACCJC, challenging the State Lands Commission’s attempt to nullify Proposition B, suing the state of Nevada for patient dumping, championing gay rights, and much more. There was a lively Q&A following the City Attorney’s remarks.

PHDC board member Bob Boileau explained the recent and ongoing Republican threat to Social Security and organized and provided an on-site letter-writing session to Representative Pelosi, urging her to protect and expand Social Security.

Members passed an amendment to the Bylaws increasing the number of At-Large Officers to four, and rejected an amendment to prohibit absentee voting.

WHEN: Tuesday, March 3rd at 7pm
WHERE: Potrero Hill Neighborhood House, 953 De Haro St @ Southern Heights

Since the District 10 Supervisor, the City Attorney and the Sheriff are all our neighbors – and PHDC members – the Club decided to invite them all separately to address members and guests on their current and future projects. Sheriff Ross Mirkarimi appeared and gave a lively, informative and well-received talk, followed by audience Q&A.

Alas, the other two could not make it this time. Supervisor Malia Cohen submitted her goals and priorities for the next term via a summary document distributed at the meeting, and City Attorney Dennis Herrera agreed to appear before the Club on March 3rd.

Larry Bush, Friend of Ethics, columnist & editor of CitiReport,  joined us to talk about campaign finance and other ethics reforms called for in his Feb 2 op-ed in the Chronicle. Club members voted to send letters to the SF Ethics Commissioners, urging the Commission to consider and act on these reforms at its February and March meetings.

Executive Committee Members Bob Boileau and Loretta Lynch, respectively, presented updates on the Eden Foods boycott and reaching voters in large multi-unit buildings with the PHDC hand-delivered slate card.

Members elected the following officers for 2015:
President Joni Eisen
1st VP Membership Monisha Mustapha
2nd VP Political Action Loretta Lynch
Secretary J.R. Eppler
Treasurer Carlin Holden
Tech Officer John O’Neill
Officers-At-Large Bob Boileau, Kate Gaidos Eppler, Eliana López 

WHEN: Tuesday, February 3rd at 7pm
WHERE: Potrero Hill Neighborhood House, 953 De Haro St @ Southern Heights

PHDC started off 2015 with a couple of thought-provoking topics, both of which engendered very active audience participation. Dale Carlson on Airbnb legislation

Dale Carlson (left) of the Share Better SF coalition discussed a proposed ballot measure his coalition of affordable housing advocates and community organizations is creating. The intent is to continue to expose the impact of Airbnb and other illegal hotels, and to hold them accountable in San Francisco.

Since the initiative passed in 1978, Prop 13’s business-property loopholes have decimated California’s public education system. Now, Evolve – California has taken over the campaign to ensure that commercial property pays its fair share. Evolve organizer Emil Margolis described the campaign, which club members then voted to endorse.

Nominations for 2015 officers are open. The election will be held at the February 3rd meeting.

WHEN: Tuesday, Jan 6, 2015 at 7pm
WHERE: Potrero Hill Neighborhood House, 953 De Haro St @ Southern Heights

food with ribbonNot a political party,  just a fun, neighborhood afternoon party. Instead of our regular December meeting, PHDC is delighted again to be co-hosting the Potrero Boosters’ annual holiday party, open as always to all residents of Potrero Hill and Dogpatch. There is one catch: please bring a non-perishable food item, which we will donate to the San Francisco Food Bank.

Catch up with your neighbors – or meet new ones – over food and drink. There will be a hosted bar with beer and wine, locally sourced pizza, sides, and sweet treats. Since it is a brewery, only age 21+ please. See you there!

What:  Potrero Annual Holiday Party
When:  Saturday, December 13, 2:30 to 5:00pm
Where:  Triple Voodoo Brewery, 2245 Third Street (betw 19th and 20th)



Dr. Corey CookPHDC is happy to join Noe Valley Democratic Club* to present a recap of the November 4th election this Thursday by Dr. Corey Cook, Director of the Leo T. McCarthy Center for Public Service and the Common Good at the University of San Francisco, where he teaches courses in American Politics. He is frequently quoted on NPR and CBS Channel 5, and in the SF Chronicle.

The speaker’s comments will begin at 7:30. There is much material to cover, so please arrive promptly at 7:15 pm to sign in and grab a snack. There will be 40-45 minutes reserved for Q&A.

*Also co-sponsored by San Francisco for Democracy and Progressive Democrats of America SF.

What:      Election recap with Dr. Corey Cook
When:     Thursday, November 20, 7:15pm
Where:    James Lick Middle School, 1220 Noe St – not St Phillips as originally publicized


Please note that our club neither solicits nor accepts any money from endorsed candidates or campaigns.

The first Tuesday of the month is our regular meeting night, but this Tuesday is Election Day. Our beautiful meeting space will serve (beautifully) as a polling place. Club members are urged to spend some time and energy getting friends and neighbors to the polls. Turnout will be everything. Pick a campaign to help with, then, hopefully, go to election-night parties to celebrate. Here are some of our top picks: David Campos for Assembly. Tony Kelly for Supervisor. Yes on E – support the soda tax. Yes on F – Pier 70 height increase, with benefits.  Yes on G – stop the evictions. Yes on H, No on I – save Golden Gate Park. Yes on J – raise the minimum wage. No on L – no on gridlock. No on 2 – bad for kids. Yes on 45 – put the brakes on rates.

The meeting was mostly devoted to actively promoting PHDC-endorsed candidates and campaigns, like those of David Campos for Assembly, Tony Kelly for Supervisor, Daniel Flores for Judge, John Rizzo for Community College Board, and Shamann Walton for School Board. They, and reps of several Proposition campaigns, came to say a few words, distribute campaign swag and invite volunteers. We also signed people up to staff the PHDC table at the Potrero Hill Festival Oct 18th, and to walk precincts with our slate card/door hanger. Truly grassroots democracy.

In addition, AFT 2121 President Tim Killikelly (at left) gave an update on the effort to Save CCSF, asked audience members to take a survey, and submitted the CCSF Bill of Rights for Club endorsement (done).

WHEN: Tuesday, October 7 at 7pm
WHERE: Potrero Hill Neighborhood House, 953 De Haro St @ Southern Hts  







At the Tuesday, Sept 2 ballot measure endorsement meeting were state and local ballot measure speakers pro and con, with Q&A of course. We covered local propositions A, B, D, J, & K and statewide propositions 1, 2, 45, 46, 47 and 48. Club endorsements for November are here.

The Tuesday, Sept 9 candidate endorsement meeting featured forums for candidates for Board of Education (photo above, with moderator Sara O’Neill at left) and  SF Community College Board of Trustees. Candidate questionnaires received from these folks may be viewed online here. The club revisited candidates for both SF Superior Court Judge and for CA Assembly District 17 – since the primary vote was a tie for both races. Now, months later, after getting to know the candidates better, members voted to endorse David Campos for Assembly and Daniel Flores for Judge.

At the end of each meeting, regular members in good standing voted, and ballots were tallied. To be endorsed, a proposition or candidate must get 60% of votes cast.

Both meetings took place at Potrero Hill Neighborhood House, 953 De Haro St @ Southern Heights.

Auction invitationPotrero Hill Democratic Club members and friends had an evening of live jazz, food drinks and fun. Plus walls & tables full of cool stuff to bid from the fabulous merchants and artists of Potrero Hill and Dogpatch. And politicos galore: Senator Mark Leno, with an award for the Club; Supervisor David Campos and Supervisor David Chiu, both running for Assembly; Sheriff Ross Mirkarimi; judicial candidates Daniel Flores and Carol Kingsley; candidate for Supervisor Tony Kelly.

The music – by fantastic jazzmen Chuck Bennett on bass, Ray Scott on guitar, and Jim Zimmerman on drums – could be heard a lot better this year, not sure why. Dogpatch Saloon provided the no-host bar, and food was courtesy of local eateries and PHDC members. Admission was free.

Thank you to everyone who helped before, during and after this lovely event! Our incredible, super-generous list of donors is here.

WHEN: Saturday, August 23 at 5pm
WHERE: Dogpatch Saloon, 2496 Third St @ 22nd

Prop H vs. Prop IArguments pro and con for a variety of measures on the November 4th ballot made for an engaging evening of mini-debates. There was a literal turf battle (at right, Mike Murphy & Donald Collins argue real vs. fake grass in the parks), the Pier 70 development height limit increase, an attempt to “balance” transportation priorities (oh, pity the poor cars!), the sugary beverage tax, a question about an amendment to overturn Citizens United, an anti-speculation tax, a fund for children and youth. In short, something for almost everyone.

Club members voted at the end of the evening. Results of the vote: PHDC endorsed YES on Props C (Children’s Fund), E (Sugary beverage tax), F (Pier 70), G (anti-speculation tax), H (natural grass in Golden Gate Park), and 49 (overturning Citizens United).

PHDC endorsed NO on Props I (artificial turf) and L (Transportation priorities policy). Endorsement requires 60% of votes cast.

The Club also voted to support the Eden Foods boycott (featuring another Hobby Lobby-esque owner suing to foist his own religious beliefs on employees).

WHEN: Tuesday August 5 at 7:00pm
WHERE: Potrero Hill Neighborhood House, 953 De Haro St @ Southern Heights

Wednesday July 2: DEBATE!

June 19th, 2014

Candidates for District 10 Supervisor shared their ideas, expertise, and love for the neighborhoods of District 10 Wednesday at the Neighborhood House in an intense debate, ably guided by moderator Marisa Lagos of the SF Chronicle. All five official candidates held the standing-room-only audience rapt. Candidates, left to right: Ed Donaldson, Marlene Tran, incumbent Malia Cohen, Tony Kelly, and Shawn Richard. An amazing turnout with lots of energy and enthusiasm. Every candidate had important and insightful information on how Potrero Hill and District 10 can best be served by the city of San Francisco.

At the end of the evening, after first-choice votes were counted, Tony Kelly won the Club’s endorsement.

Sheriff Ross Mirkarimi (right) gave an update on happenings in and around the SF Sheriff’s Department, including a number of initiatives regarding public safety and rehabilitation both inside and outside the jail system.

Ed Kinchley, SEIU 2121’s political education co-chair, talked about the Campaign for a Healthy California, whose mission is to “finish the job on health reform” by eventually replacing private health insurance with guaranteed healthcare for all Californians.

The Club voted to join Campaign for a Healthy California’s coalition as an endorser.

Because the theater was in use as a polling place, we met downstairs in the Game Room.

WHEN: Tuesday June 3 at 7:00pm
WHERE: Potrero Hill Neighborhood House, 953 De Haro St @ Southern Heights

Sunday Streets in DogpatchPHDC was there with endorsed-campaign swag, voter registration forms, 94107 t-shirts and CA DISCLOSE Act petitions.

PHDC housing panelThe housing situation in our fair City is dire and fast-changing. Housing prices explode; protests against evictions escalate; legislation is introduced at state and local levels; lawsuits are filed by the City Attorney.  San Francisco leads the nation in income disparity. Participants in a thought-provoking discussion, which included plenty of audience Q&A, were:

Tim Colen,  Executive Director,  SF Housing Action Coalition
Sara Shortt, Executive Director, SF Housing Rights Committee
Calvin Welch, founder, Council of Community Housing Organizations

Brad Paul, Deputy Executive Director, Association of Bay Area Governments,  moderated.

The above program was co-sponsored by our friends at San Francisco for Democracy.

At the start of the meeting, speaking briefly and toting campaign swag, were the endorsed campaigns of Yes on B – Voter Approval for Waterfront Development Height Increases (Tim Hester) ; Betty Yee for Controller (Jay Cheng); Derek Cressman for Secretary of State (Joni Eisen).

WHEN: Tuesday, May 6, @ 7pm
WHERE: Potrero Hill Neighborhood House, 953 De Haro @ Southern Hts

Derek Cressman, Christina Olague for Alex Padilla

4-1-14 Betty YeeA discussion with Democratic candidate for Secretary of State Derek Cressman (above left) and former SF Supervisor Christina Olague, surrogate for Dem candidate Alex Padilla, was  moderated by PHDC’s  J.R. Eppler, who so ably presided over the Assembly candidate debate last month. Audience members asked their own questions. Here’s a link to the video of this segment that Tom Brown can be seen shooting in the photo above.

Democratic candidate for Controller Betty Yee (left) discussed her campaign and answered questions, and Bill Barnes, surrogate for Democrat John Pérez , campaigned for his candidate.  The three candidates for SF Superior Court Judge, Seat 20 (the only open seat), Daniel Flores, Carol Kingsley, and Kimberly Williams, spoke separately of their experience and qualifications, also engaging in Q&A.

Three propositions were covered, with speakers in support and opposition: SF Proposition A – Earthquake Safety and Emergency Response Bond – Bill Barnes spoke for, Aubrey Freedman against; CA Proposition 41 – Veterans Housing and Homeless Prevention Bond Act of 2014 - Executive Director of Swords to Ploughshares Michael Blecker  spoke in favor, PHDC board member Joni Eisen presented arguments against;  CA Proposition 42 – Public Records. Open Meetings. State Reimbursement to Local Agencies – PHDC board members J.R. Eppler (for) and Kate Gaidos Eppler (against) duked it out for this one. Photos by Kate Gaidos.

Members voted that night on endorsements in the above races, as well as everything else in the June Primary. Ballots were counted at the end of the meeting. Results for the contests argued by speakers:

Secretary of State: Derek Cressman
Controller: Betty Yee
SF Superior Court Judge: No position (vote too close; no one achieved the requisite 60% threshold)
Prop A: YES
Prop 41: YES
Prop 42: YES

Click here for the complete list of endorsements for the June 3rd election.

WHEN: Tuesday April 1 at 7:00pm
WHERE: Potrero Hill Neighborhood House, 953 De Haro St

David Campos, David Chiu, J.R. Eppler
the crowdPotrero Hill Democratic Club presented a lively and informative debate between the two Supervisors running to succeed Tom Ammiano in the State Assembly, District 17: David Campos and David Chiu. The two Davids, both Harvard-educated attorneys, agreed that they agreed on a lot – and also tried to bring their differences into sharp focus.  Moderator, PHDC board member J.R. Eppler (right), did a stellar job. The result of the endorsement vote? A flat-out tie. Photos by Kate Gaidos.

Members did vote to endorse YES on Prop B, the Voter Approval for Waterfront Development Height Increases initiative, after presentations and Q&A with Jon Golinger for and Corinne Woods against.

WHEN: Wednesday March 5 at 7:30pm.
WHERE: Potrero Hill Neighborhood House, 953 De Haro St

Feb 2014 Water meetingA presentation about PUC policy and proposed water rate hikes by the SF Public Utilities Commission‘s Yolanda Manzone (center left), Environmental Justice and Land Use Analyst, and Jamie Querubin (center right), SFPUC Financial Analyst,  was followed by a very lively conversation about the drought, its implications and, yes, opportunities, with Jennifer Clary (left),Water Policy and Legislative Analyst for Clean Water Action, the SFPUC reps, and moderator, former CA PUC President Loretta Lynch (right). Photo by John O’Neill.

Club business included  election of  2014 Club Officers.

WHEN: Tuesday, February 4th at 7pm
WHERE: Potrero Hill Neighborhood House, 953 De Haro St

To begin our  eighth year, PHDC had several things on the agenda:

● Presentation by Ubring your own foodNITE HERE Local 2, representing the 750 concession workers at AT&T Park. Employed by a subcontractor called Centerplate, they are involved in a difficult campaign to achieve a fair contract  and haven’t had a wage increase or new contract since April 2010. Workers who shared their stories were Bobby McCall and Patricia Ramirez, joined  by union organizer Julia Wong. Following the meeting, PHDC held an online vote and passed a resolution in support of the concession workers.

● A check-in with members to assess which topics & issues they would most like the Club to take on. People voted by pinning dots on the donkey next to their choices.

● Nominations opened for 2014 officers (election in Feb).

WHEN: Tuesday, January 7th at 7pm
WHERE: Potrero Hill Neighborhood House, 953 De Haro St

The Potrero Boosters again graciously invited PHDC to co-sponsor their Holiday Party. The annual festivities were held this year at a new space, the CCA Wattis Institute for Contemporary Arts. A lovely party, filled with neighbors enjoying the great food and holiday cheer. California Senator Mark Leno and District 9 Supervisor David Campos were both there. And, to spread the cheer further, guests filled several bags and boxes of food to donate to the SF Food Bank.

WHEN: Saturday, December 14, from 4:00 to 7:00pm
WHERE: 360 Kansas St between 16th & 17th

PHDC’s next regular meeting will be Tuesday, January 7, 2014.

Since our regular meeting place – the theater at the Neighborhood House – was a polling place on election night, we gathered at the Dogpatch Saloon, site of our recent auction.  CCSF Trustee Rafael Mandelman presented his recently proposed Resolution in Support of City College (the club signed on to the SaveCCSF coalition back in March – but a lot has happened since then). Not having a quorum of voting members just then, we continued the vote online later and passed the resolution unanimously. Representatives of BRITE (Bayview Residents Improving Their Environment)  discussed their opposition to the proposed renovation/expansion of a homeless drop-in shelter on Jennings St, and their ideas for an alternative site. A proponent of the project was invited but did not appear.

Election results: WE WON this battle against the rampant greed-fueled development of precisely the housing San Francisco does not need. Props B & C lost big – but the struggle to keep our city affordable for the non-rich is far from over.

WHEN: Tuesday, November 5th at 6:30pm
WHERE: Dogpatch Saloon, 2496 Third St @ 22nd St

Mike CaseyMichael TheriaultIt was back to politics on Tuesday: Leaders of organized labor spoke about the movement’s relevance. PHDC’s regular monthly meeting featured Mike Casey (left), President of the San Francisco Labor Council, and Michael Theriault, Secretary-Treasurer of the San Francisco Building and Construction Trades Council. Though frequently in solidarity, their respective organizations are not always in agreement on some issues. As always, there was ample time for audience interaction -  which continued after the meeting was adjourned.

We also had a recap of the fabulously fun and successful auction the Club held Saturday. THANK YOU AUCTION DONORS!

WHEN: Tuesday, October 1 at 7pm
WHERE: Potrero Hill Neighborhood House, 953 De Haro St

Please join Potrero Hill Democratic Club members and friends for an evening of live jazz, food and fun. Plus lots of cool stuff for your bidding pleasure from the fabulous merchants and artists of Potrero Hill and Dogpatch.

Music will be performed by fantastic jazzmen Chuck Bennett on bass, Mark Rosengarden on drums, and Ray Scott on guitar. Dogpatch Saloon will provide the beautiful venue and no-host bar, and food will be courtesy of local eateries and PHDC members.

Bring a friend – and don’t forget your checkbook for the auction. You just might get an amazing deal. You can check out the ever-expanding donor list here. See you at the party!

San Francisco’s Municipal Election is November 5, 2013. It’s true that the three citywide officers who are running for election or reelection are running unopposed – but that’s no reason not to take advantage of a great opportunity to meet them face-to-face, find out what they’ve done and intend to do, and ask them anything you want. Appearing before the Club seeking endorsement – successfully – were:

Carmen Chu for Assessor-Recorder (appointed incumbent) -  endorsed
José Cisneros for Treasurer (incumbent) – endorsed
Dennis Herrera for City Attorney (incumbent) – endorsed

Four local propositions are on the ballot as well, and they are more complicated than you might think. After speakers pro & con for Props A, B, and D, with plenty of back-and-forth between the sides, as well as audience Q&A, the Club endorsed the following votes on the November ballot:

A. Retiree Health Care Trust Fund.  Charter Amendment – YES 
B. 8 Washington Street – (developer’s) Initiative. Ordinance – NO
C. 8 Washington Street – Referendum. Ordinance. – NO (PHDC had already voted previously to oppose)
D. Prescription Drug Purchasing. Declaration of Policy. – YES

The meeting ended with members signing up to help with our annual party & auction, coming Saturday, September 28th at Dogpatch Saloon (see below).


We are excited to be the first community group to hold an event at the just-renovated Dogpatch Saloon on 3rd St at 22nd. Set for 5-8pm on Saturday, September 28th, this community party + Club fundraiser will feature live jazz, great food & fabulous stuff to bid on from the wonderful merchants, artists and neighbors of Potrero Hill and Dogpatch. No-host bar, free admission. See you there!

Our July “meeting” took place in Dolores Park on a sizzling Fourth, campaigning for the CA DISCLOSE Act, registering voters, and watching the SF Mime Troupe’s premier performance. Then we were ready to return to our regular venue on the Hill.Bush, Chiu, Herrera, Eppler

City Attorney Dennis Herrera and Board of Supervisors President David Chiu (center, r. to l.), having introduced a package of local ethics reform legislation, both appeared on a panel with Larry Bush (left), editor of CitiReport.com and a member of Friends of Ethics. The excellent, illuminating and thought-provoking panel was skilfully moderated by club secretary J.R. Eppler (right). Photo by Jo Elias-Jackson.

WHEN: Tuesday, August 6th at 7pm
WHERE: Potrero Hill Neighborhood House, 953 De Haro St


Sunday Streets in the Mission, July 28th. Volunteers take a break from registering voters and campaigning for the California DISCLOSE Act. Photo by Linda Post.Sunday Streets in the Mission July 28


Citizens Climate Lobby carbon fee slideshowOIL. The upper safety limit for atmospheric CO2 is 350 parts per million (ppm). We’ve just hit 400 ppm. Dave Massen (SF group leader) and Jeff Whittington of Citizens Climate Lobby (click here for recent NY Times article about CCL) want to cut greenhouse gas emissions and promote transition to a green energy economy through carbon fee and dividend:  taxing carbon pollution from fossil fuels, and returning the proceeds to American households. This idea is an alternative to cap and trade, which now exists in California. After the presentation (photo above by Maulik Shah), Club members voted to sign on to a letter urging Congress to enact carbon fee & divArt Agnos and Rick Weltsidend legislation.

WATERFRONT. Is the proposed Golden State Warriors Arena development project for Piers 30-32 being rushed through without appropriate scrutiny? Former Mayor Art Agnos of the San Francisco Waterfront Alliance thinks so, and he told us why.  Warriors President and Chief Operating Officer Rick Welts joined Mayor Agnos with a different perspective. Many questions, much passion, a great meeting.
Photo by Linda Post

WHEN: Tuesday, June 4th at 7pm
WHERE: Potrero Hill Neighborhood House, 953 De Haro St

Health Care Reform panelThe Affordable Care Act, known as “Obamacare,” will be fully enacted come January 1, 2014. But did you know that the new California Health Benefit Exchange (known as Covered California) will be open for enrollment in October?

Our extremely knowledgeable panel consisted of (left to right) Bonnie Preston, MSPH, Outreach & Policy Specialist at the US Department of Health & Human Services, to discuss basics about the federal law and our state’s insurance exchange, (Covered California) where people can compare plans and determine eligibility for tax credits; Patricia McGinnis, Executive Director of California Advocates for Nursing Home Reform, on the effects of reform on seniors;  Sumi Sousa, Officer of Policy Development and Coverage Programs at San Francisco Health Plan, with a San Francisco perspective. Ms. Sousa also helped write the law that created Covered California. The discussion, including extensive audience Q&A, was both detailed and far-ranging. Another illuminating evening at PHDC! The Club also passed a resolution opposing cuts to Social Security benefits and advocating lifting or scrapping the cap on income subject to Social Security taxes .

WHEN: Tuesday, May 7 at 7pm
WHERE: Potrero Hill Neighborhood House, 953 De Haro St

With increased population growth, climate change, and the inevitable “big one,” securing San Francisco’s water supply will require creative and forward-looking plans. Attendees heard from experts about these and other water issues in our city and in the state, including: the dangers fracking in California; ways that San Francisco is slowly mitigating its practice of treating rainwater runoff as if it were wastewater; chemicals in drinking water in other parts of the state; taxing fertilizer to offset the contamination it causes. Conversation-starters Jennifer Clary of Clean Water Action, Ellen Levin of SF Public Utilities Commission, and Adam Scow of Food & Water Watch opened the program, followed by breakout groups and a final Q&A session. Earlier in the meeting, PHDC members updated the group on past topics, including the CA DISCLOSE Act, gun safety legislation, and saving City College.

WHEN: Tuesday, April 2 at 6:45pm (meeting at 7pm)
WHERE: Potrero Hill Neighborhood House, 953 De Haro St

PHDC banner at the March 14 rallyYou may have heard about the recent occupation of the Administration Building by CCSF students, with four specific demands in response to sanctions imposed by the accreditation commission. Students, faculty, staff, trustees and alumni all want to keep City College of San Francisco open – but they don’t all agree on the best approach. Panel discussion with representatives from:

City College of SF Board of Trustees – Two members with differing perspectives: Rafael Mandelman and Steve Ngo.

Save CCSF – Coalition of faculty, students, staff, & community members: Professor Rodger Scott and student Inder Grewal

A civil discussion was held around the various takes on the situation, with questions from the audience.  After the panel discussion, Club members had a separate meeting and voted to endorse and attend the Save CCSF rally at City Hall on March 14th at 4pm. There’s our banner at the rally, above.

WHEN: Tuesday, March 5th, 6:45pm (program at 7pm sharp!)
WHERE: Potrero Hill Neighborhood House, 953 De Haro St

Gun Control meetingWhat are the chances for a meaningful, effective response to the ever-increasing gun violence in this country? Three excellent speakers engaged the audience around this question. Robyn Thomas, Executive Director of Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence, discussed current gun laws, the Second Amendment and the prospects for proposed legislation to pass. She emphasized showing elected officials that we are watching; till now the anti-gun control side has been much louder and stronger. Tell the President and other electeds what you think: Thank them for their efforts to reduce gun violence. Captain Robert O’Sullivan of the Bayview Police Station discussed what his officers see – and seize – on the ground. He urged those in attendance to mentor young people who need positive role models. Assistant District Attorney Mike Maffei talked about the San Francisco DA’s office’s handling of cases involving guns. The conversations lasted well after the meeting was adjourned.

2013 Club officers were elected by acclamation.

WHEN: Thursday, February 7th at 7pm
WHERE: Potrero Hill Neighborhood House, 953 De Haro @ Southern Heights

The table discussions last month sharply revealed how important money in politics, in all its incarnations, remains for PHDC members and friends. On the January agenda: Action at the Chevron refinery January 19th to mark the third anniversary of Citizens United – see calendar listing. The  2013 California DISCLOSE Act, SB 52, authored by Senator Mark Leno (along with Senator Jerry Hill of San Mateo) – and what you can do to help get it passed this year (check out the local working group web site for action opportunities). Possibly the perfect antidote to money invested to increase profits for the few: time and energy invested by citizens for the good of the many – Martin Luther King, Jr. National Day of Service – Saturday, Jan. 19th. There are plenty of events right in San Francisco. The Habitat for Humanity event discussed at the meeting is now filled.

Also: Discussion and vote on proposed changes to the Bylaws, plus the start of nominations for 2013 officers.

WHEN: Tuesday, January 8th at 7pm
WHERE: Potrero Hill Neighborhood House, 953 De Haro @ Southern Heights



Tom AmmianoThe December meeting of Potrero Hill Democratic Club – co-sponsored by Noe Valley Democratic Club and San Francisco for Democracy – was about the (mostly gratifying) results of the election – especially the unanticipated gift of a Democratic super-majority in both of California’s state houses. Special guests included Assemblyman Tom Ammiano (left), who began the program by describing the situation and prospects for reform in Sacramento, and then took questions. Next, CA Democratic Party Region 4 Director and Calitics blogger Brian Leubitz and Helen Grieco, Common Cause Organizer for Northen California spoke briefly, then joined a series of small round-table discussions with attendees. The gathering concluded with brief reports from each table “host,” then Helen led a wrap-up discussion with Q&A. Conversations centered around what issues participants most wanted to see addressed by elected representatives, and ultimately how we, individually and as a club,  can best work to move forward in realizing our goals. It was one of our liveliest meetings, and quite well-attended.

Tuesday, December 4 at 7pm
Potrero Hill Neighborhood House
953 De Haro St @ Southern Heights

This is it, the final stretch. There are people who have registered to vote and who support President Obama and other important down-ticket candidates and issues. But we have to make sure they actually vote. That’s why these last days of phoning are so absolutely crucial. Our two closest Get-Out-The-Vote staging areas in SF are:

Democratic/OFA Headquarters
228 Market St at Noe


Westbay Conference Center
1290 Fillmore at Eddy

They are each open 9am to 9pm Sat-Mon, and 6am to 6pm on Election Day. Click on either one to sign up for a shift – or just drop in.

Wed Oct 3rd: Debate Watch Party

September 17th, 2012

We met on the first Wednesday instead of the Tuesday, because that’s when the first Presidential Debate happened. We enjoyed food, drink, friends, neighbors, campaign speakers, strange debate performances and door prizes at the Connecticut Yankee that night.

WHEN: Wednesday, October 3, 6 – 8pm
WHERE: Connecticut Yankee, 100 Connecticut St @ 17th
Debate Watch party



Tuesday, Sept 4, 6:30 – 9pm: Ballot measure endorsement meeting. State and local ballot measures, speakers pro and con. Q&A of course. Check out the results of voting here. To be endorsed, a proposition or candidate must get 60% of votes cast.

Tuesday, Sept 11, 7 – 9pm: Candidate endorsement meeting. Candidates for Board of Education and  SF Community College Board of Trustees. Candidate questionnaires received from these folks may be viewed here. Candidates for BART Director for District 7 (includes Dogpatch) and District 9 (includes Potrero Hill) were also invited to speak. Here are the Club’s endorsements.

Both meetings took place at the Potrero Hill Neighborhood House, 953 De Haro @ Southern Heights.

Our event August 11th was a great success, largely thanks to the generosity of our donors.  What a phenomenal neighborhood!

All States Best Foods
ARCH Drafting Supplies Inc
Bell & Trunk Flowers
Jason Benlevi author
Dr. Ann Brinkley, DC
Senator John Burton and Supervisor Malia Cohen
Career Insiders
Chiotras Grocery
Christopher’s Books
Collage Gallery
Connecticut Yankee
Dogpatch Saloon
Joni Eisen Cake Portraits
Fei Tian Academy of the Arts
Fregosi & Company Paints
Ganim’s Market
Gilberths Rotisserie & Grill
Goat Hill Pizza
The Good Life Grocery
Grand Pu Pah Thai Restaurant & Bar
Hazel’s Kitchen
Just For You Café
Kate’s Closet
Allana Lee Katz jewelry
Peter Linenthal author & illustrator
Marcella’s Lasagneria & Cucina
Moshi Moshi Sushi & Grill
Pawtrero Bath House & Feed Co
Photography by Emily Payne
Post & Parcel, Inc
Potrero Chiropractors & Acupuncture
Quince Spa
The Ramp
Rickshaw Bagworks
Skool Restaurant
Marlene Tran
Winnie S. Tsang
The Workshop Residence
Yield Wine Bar

You are invited to enjoy food, jazz and great deals! PHDC’s “Shop Local” Silent Auction is a party for the community that doubles as a fundraiser for the club. Great food from club members and local eateries; live jazz by fantastic musicians David Austin on piano, Chuck Bennett on bass, and Mark Rosengarden on drums; lots of tempting items for your bidding pleasure from the wonderful merchants and artists of Potrero Hill & Dogpatch. No-host bar. Admission is free, open to the public.

WHEN: Saturday, August 11th, 5pm  – 8pm
WHERE: Dogpatch Saloon, 2496 Third St at 22nd


Final details for our August 11th party & auction. Preview of auction items. Organizing for America neighborhood team leader Kierith Jones and Obama convention delegate Arthur Murillo with news of several ways to get involved, now and in the future. Jon Golinger, Campaign Director for the No Wall on the Waterfront Campaign, against the 8 Washington development. Alec Bash with arguments in favor. The urgent situation of the California DISCLOSE Act, and a resolution concerning its status.

Update: The Club passed the DISCLOSE resolution, and also voted to sign on to the No Wall on the Waterfront campaign. We were inspired by Democratic Convention delegates Arthur Murillo and Rick Hauptman, and especially fired up by Obama team leader Kierith Jones, who absolutely nailed how and why we in California can and must help the effort in the battleground states. You don’t have to leave town or donate any money! Sign on to your neighborhood team by visiting the OFA Dashboard.

WHEN: Tuesday, August 7, 7pm
WHERE: Potrero Hill Neighborhood House, 953 De Haro @ Southern Heights


PHDC spent July 4th being super-patriotic: Registered voters in Dolores Park!

Then we had a potluck picnic and took in the  SF Mime Troupe‘s opening of its 53rd season: the premiere of For the Greater Good, or The Last Election, a musical satire about “true” American values.

Obama logoElection night found us returning to the back room at Connecticut Yankee, throwing ideas around for the upcoming presidential campaign and other future Club activities, and generally hanging out. Featured speaker was Kierith Jones, volunteer with Organizing For America, the campaign to reelect President Obama. She leads OFA’s SoMa-Potrero Hill neighborhood team.

Don’t forget to VOTE! – and please take the Club’s endorsements into account.

WHEN: Tuesday, June 5, 7pm
WHERE: Connecticut Yankee, 100 Connecticut St @ 17th St.

To continue the momentum of Earth Day, this meeting was all about the environment:

• Jason Fried (left), Senior Program Officer, SF Local Agency Formation Commission, described CleanPowerSF, last heard about at PHDC in 2010. The City’s custom-tailored community choice aggregation program (CCA) is the culmination of a collaboration of City agencies to develop a cleaner, more renewable energy alternative for residences and businesses.

• Evan Wynns (center), Executive Director of San Francisco Energy Co-op, talked about the new renewable power co-op aimed at raising awareness among all city residents, especially renters, about the benefits of green energy available to almost anyone: sustainable power, resulting in some profit for everyone who invests.

• Adam Scow (right), California Campaigns Director, Food & Water Watch and an old friend of PHDC, returned to talk about water: the corporate water grab via a $50 billion pipeline to benefit Big Ag, and fracking going on right here in CA.

Jason Fried  Tuesday, May 1, 7:00pm    Evan WynnsAdam Scow



The agenda was jam-packed with appealing, enthusiastic candidates for San Francisco Democratic Central Committee, Assembly District 17. With 30 or so people running for 14 seats, it’s very hard to gain the required 60% for endorsement. We are grateful to all who showed up. We also were pleased to welcome David Levitt, Democrat running for U.S. Senate, and Dan Bernal, District Director for Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, and to hear arguments for and against the two California and two San Francisco propositions on the ballot in June. It was a long meeting, 6:30 sharp to 9:30pm – and then we had to count the votes. See our full list of endorsements here.

WHEN: Tuesday, April 3, 6:30pm sharp
WHERE: Potrero Hill Neighborhood House, 953 De Haro St

Occupy at PHDC
Another terrific meeting! Heartfelt thanks to Joshua Clayton, Andy Gillis, Rachel Lyra Hospodar, Jane Smith, and Janice Suess, active participants in the various Working Groups within Occupy San Francisco, who engaged members and friends of PHDC in a spirited, eye-opening conversation. Find more photos on our Facebook page.

Also, after a presentation and Q&A with three representatives of the Free Muni for Youth Coalition, the Club voted to endorse that campaign.

WHEN: Tuesday, March 6, 7pm
WHERE: Potrero Hill Neighborhood House, 953 De Haro St

Member Mike Alonso of the Redistricting Task Force talked about the experiences of the Task Force and the public so far, fielded numerous questions and comments, and strongly urged audience members to show up at the Task Force community outreach meetings. Every meeting concerns redistricting the whole city, so come to meetings outside your own District. They want to hear from you, and they change their working draft maps after every meeting.

Scheduled Task Force Meetings:
Sat Feb 11, 2pm: Washington High School, 600 32nd Ave, District 1
Fri Feb 17, 3pm: Room 416, City Hall
Thurs Feb 23, 6pm: Old First Presbyterian Church, 1751 Sacramento St, D3
Thurs Mar 1, 6pm: Everett Middle School, 450 Church St, D8
Wed Mar 7, 6pm: Room 406, City Hall
Mon Mar 12, 6pm: West Portal School, 5 Lenox Way, D7
Sat Mar 17, 10am: Ella Hutch Community Center, 1050 McAllister St, D5
Thurs Mar 22, 6pm: United Irish Cultural Center, 2600 45th Ave, D4
Thurs March 29, 6pm, City Hall
Wed Apr 4, 6pm, Room 406, City Hall
Thurs Apr 5, 6pm, location TBD
Mon Apr 9, 6pm, location TBD
Wed Apr 11, 6pm, location TBD
Sat Apr 14, 10am, location TBD

Deadline to submit proposed city-wide maps: Friday, March 2, 2012
Deadline to submit proposed District/maps/recommendations: March 29, 2012

PHDC officers elected for 2012:
President: Joni Eisen
1st VP Membership: Monisha Mustapha
2nd VP Political Action: Emily Lowe
Secretary: J.R. Eppler
Treasurer: Hilary Cohen
Web Master: Rebecca Shearin

WHEN: Tuesday,February 7, 7pm
WHERE: Potrero Hill Neighborhood House, 953 De Haro St

Our first meeting of 2012 featured a lively panel about Ranked-Choice a.k.a. Instant Runoff Voting, in recent and future San Francisco elections. Experts on the subject discussed its strengths and weaknesses, what alternatives there are, and why we should – or shouldn’t – pursue them. There were of course lots of audience questions. Click here for some video coverage of the panel. And here’s another video. Click here for photos by Linda Post.

Jason Benlevi, tech industry veteran and author of Too Much Magic, who opposes it
Steven Hill, author and political reformer who led the 2002 campaign to pass instant-runoff voting in San Francisco
Tony Kelly, political activist who ran for Supervisor under the system in 2010 and still supports it
Clay Shentrup, Director, Center for Election Science, who wants to replace it

Moderator: John Wildermuth, San Francisco Chronicle Staff Writer

Nominations for 2012 officers (election to be held in February) are open.

WHEN: Tuesday, January 3, 7pm
WHERE: Potrero Hill Neighborhood House, 953 De Haro St

DruidsStonehengePotrero Boosters and PHDC, together again: HOLIDAY PARTY! Come celebrate the season with your neighbors. After a rather successful collaboration on the Mayoral Debate, the two clubs are joining forces again.

Eat, drink and be merry, at least for a couple hours. There will be savories and sweets, wine and other holiday goodies from Axis Café. Renew your PHDC membership for the next year, and consider joining the Boosters as well. And you are welcome to bring friends who may be interested in joining either club. See you there!

WHEN: Sunday, Dec 11th, 3:30 to 6:30pm
WHERE: Axis Café, 1201 8th St at 16th St

What better way to spend Day of the Dead than to contemplate Death to the Mega-Banks? Too big to fail? Uh-uh. Too big to exist. Just in time for Bank Transfer Day, PHDC presents a panel discussion on how to let your money work for the good of the community, instead of for the benefit of a mega-bank’s corporate profits. Representatives from a community bank and two credit unions will explain the differences, and answer your questions.

SmallHangerThe election is November 8th. Find out at the meeting how you can help PHDC’s endorsed candidates Get Out The Vote!

WHEN: Tuesday, November 1st, 7pm
WHERE: Potrero Hill Neighborhood House, 953 De Haro St

Dennis Herrera for Mayor, David Onek for District Attorney, and Chris Cunnie for Sheriff, plus Ken Tray of UESF for Yes on A and No on H came by to touch base, to thank the Club for its endorsement, and to let us know how we can help their campaigns. We previewed our door hanger and took signups for precinct-walking and Potrero Hill Festival tabling. We revisited the Sharp Park Golf Course issue, but this time, the discussion was strictly limited – unlike the out-of-control Aug 2 meeting (scroll down for info), at which the vote was tabled so members could have time to learn more. The motion to endorse Supervisor Avalos’s legislation to restore Sharp Park passed. The meeting ended with an update from Megan Hamilton, aide to Supervisor Cohen, who was still in a BOS meeting.

WHEN: Tuesday, October 4th, 7pm
WHERE: Potrero Hill Neighborhood House, 953 De Haro St


District Attorney


San Francisco Propositions

A – YES School Bonds
B – YES Road Paving and Street Safety Bonds
C – No position City Pension and Health Care Benefits
D – NO City Pension Benefits
E – No position Amending or Repealing Legislative Initiative Ordinances and Declarations of Policy
F – No position Campaign Consultant Ordinance
G – YES Sales Tax
H – NO School District Student Assignment

DistrictAttorneySEPT 6th at 6:30pm: CANDIDATES. The District Attorney candidate forum featured (above, left to right) George Gascón, Sharmin Bock, Bill Fazio, and David Onek. Their submitted questionnaires are here. PHDC Secretary, attorney J.R. Eppler, moderated. Photo by Jean Bogiages. There were then separate presentations, each followed by Q&A, from candidates for Sheriff, Chris Cunnie, Ross Mirkarimi, and Paul Miyamoto. Members in good standing voted that night on endorsements for Mayor, District Attorney, and Sheriff. All qualified candidates were on the ballot. To be endorsed, a candidate had to get 60% of the votes cast. As we have done since the Club formed in 2007, we used ranked-choice voting.

PHDC’s endorsed candidates are:

District Attorney – DAVID ONEK

TUES. SEPT 13th at 6:30pm: PROPOSITIONS. Speakers pro and con, plus Q&A, for the eight measures appearing on the November 8th ballot. Members in good standing voted on endorsing them that night. To be endorsed, a ballot measure had to get 60% of the votes cast.

The location of both meetings was the Potrero Hill Neighborhood House, 953 De Haro St.

MayoralDebateIt really was a lively and informative evening! All seven candidates were in top form. There were four rounds of candidates asking questions of other candidates, plus opening and closing statements. Each round had a particular subject:
• Creating Careers for San Franciscans (Jobs, the Economy)
• Preventing Cuts to Our Services (Budget, Transit, Parks)
• Keeping Families Here (Housing, Schools)
• Supporting Livable Neighborhoods (Health, Safety)
Candidates had 3 bonus minutes each, which they used when they felt compelled to give a longer answer, to rebut someone else’s words, or to lengthen a closing statement. The debate was co-sponsored with Potrero Boosters Neighborhood Association. Both Linda Post and Cris Rys shot videos of the proceedings. Find Linda’s here, and Cris’s here.

Participating candidates were (above, left to right) Terry Baum, Bevan Dufty, Michela Alioto-Pier, Dennis Herrera, David Chiu, Joanna Rees, John Avalos. Photo by Linda Post. Boosters President Tony Kelly moderated. Find out more about the candidates:
Candidate questionnaires as submitted
Candidates’ responses to each question side-by-side (recommend opening in Firefox).

At the end of the evening, audience members who thought they could answer the question, “Who won the debate?” voted in a straw poll. Here are the the results:
Dennis Herrera – 30%
Terry Baum – 17%
David Chiu – 17%
John Avalos – 16%
Bevan Dufty – 10%
Joanna Rees – 6%
Michela Alioto-Pier – 4%

When: Tuesday, August 30, 6:30 – 9pm.
Where: International Studies Academy, 655 De Haro St

Neal DesaiMichelle MyersDawn Kamalanathan (below) of SF Recreation & Parks duked it out with Neal Desai (left) of National Parks Conservation Association and Michelle Myers (right) of Sierra Club SF Bay Chapter over the future of Sharp Park Golf Course. Members tabled a vote on the issue, needing more information. Here are the links to information received:

• From the Sierra Club and Wild Equity Institute:
Summary fact-sheet of the campaign and what the legislation they are crafting (with Supervisor Avalos and the City Attorney’s office) would do
Executive summary of all the studies, reports, and articles that have been published on the issue
• From SF Public Golf Alliance (absent a response from Rec & Parks, a member of the audience sent this): Frequently-Asked Questions Memo
Dawn Kamalanathan
Supervisor Malia Cohen unfortunately had a family emergency and had to reschedule. Tom Gallagher presented a resolution in support of Barbara Lee’s Afghanistan withdrawal bill, which passed unanimously. We’re looking forward to our August 14th Members Party & Auction. Rebecca Shearin photos.

July 4th “Meeting”

June 24th, 2011

Kate & J.R. being patriotic,  July 4th in Dolores Park

Kate & J.R. being patriotic, July 4th in Dolores Park

Our July meeting was a field trip. We gathered in Dolores Park on July 4th with the patriotic purpose of protecting democracy itself. How? By registering voters; by campaigning for the California DISCLOSE Act: Democracy Is Strengthened by Casting Light On Spending in Elections; and by supporting the SF Mime Troupe in their 52nd year of smart, satirical musical theater. We had the old ironing board as our base of operations, moved among the crowd with our petitions and voter registration materials, and then 8 of us stayed to enjoy the SF Mime Troupe show “2012 – The Musical!” and a fabulous potluck picnic. Activism should be fun! Photo by Scott Cole.

WHEN: Monday, July 4th, 12:30pm meet & register voters, 2pm picnic & show
WHERE: Dolores Park, Dolores in from 19th St

…and ultimately may lead to people growing their own. We got the whole picture from Food & Water Watch‘s Adam Scow‘s presentation, “Sowing the Seeds of a Fair Farm Bill” in Congress: regulation of the multinational corporations; supporting family farmers; increasing access to healthy food in urban communities. Then we bought it home with comments from various neighbors who source food locally and sell it, grow it themselves to eat or give away, or provide other resources for healthy eating and would-be urban farmers.FoodPolitics1FoodPolitics2

WHEN: Tuesday, June 7th, 6:45pm sign in & socialize, 7:00pm start
WHERE: Potrero Hill Neighborhood House, 953 De Haro St

cahsr2Assemblymember Cathleen Galgiani (D-Merced County), a leader in promoting the development of California’s first-ever high-speed rail system, spoke about the project’s progress and challenges. Dominic Spaethling, California High-Speed Rail Authority Project Manager for the SF-San Jose corridor, addressed local aspects and impacts, and agreed to return with updates.

Further discussion of the Campaign for New Priorities, with Sandra Schwartz returning to answer questions, resulted in the Club’s endorsement of the Campaign’s principles.

Member also voted to endorse the CA DISCLOSE Act, legislation mandating that the public be informed who is really paying for political ads – clearly and unequivocally, on the ads themselves.

Jane Bernard-Powers, President of Democratic Women in Action, spoke about the Political Potpourri, a round-table discussion of women’s issues, scheduled for May 7th.

WHEN: Tuesday, May 3rd, 6:45pm sign in & socialize, 7:00pm start
WHERE: Potrero Hill Neighborhood House, 953 De Haro St

At this month’s jam-packed meeting, Sandra Schwartz (below, left), Peace Education Coordinator at the American Friends Service Committee, introduced the Campaign for New Priorities, which involves ending pointless wars, cutting the defense budget and re-directing the funds to actual human needs. The Club will vote whether to endorse its principles at the May 3rd meeting.

Next, we were treated to an inspiring and dynamic presentation from Alysabeth Alexander (below, center), Political Action Chair of SEIU Local 1021, on the Fight for a Fair Economy for working families and the whole endangered middle class, in Wisconsin and closer to home.

Bill Barnes was quickly elected to fill the position of 1st VP/Membership Chair, vacated when Isaac Bowers moved to DC.

Supervisor Malia Cohen (below, right) then joined us to discuss the latest at City Hall. Moreover, she has graciously agreed to show up quarterly to fill us in. All speakers’ presentations included typically lively Q&A.

Sandra SchwartzAlysabethAlexanderMalia Cohen

Rebecca Shearin photos.

Part of the Governor’s proposed budget completely eliminates community Redevelopment Agencies. Have these entities been essential for job creation and community revitalization, or are they, as Governor Brown calls them, “futile”? How have they worked – or not – in the past? Is there an alternate plan if the Governor’s budget passes and these agencies disappear? A lively discussion with Arc Ecology Executive Director Saul Bloom, housing activist Calvin Welch, SF Redevelopment Agency Deputy Executive Director Olson Lee, and California Professional Firefighters Communications Director Carroll Wills, was quite informative, ultimately resulting in more questions than answers. Moderator was SF Chronicle political reporter Marisa Lagos. For coverage of the event, see Sarah Phelan’s article in the Bay Guardian.

WHEN: Tuesday, March 1st, 6:45PM sign in and socialize, 7:15PM event start
WHERE: Potrero Hill Neighborhood House, 953 De Haro @ Southern Hts

PHpowerplantJoshua Arce, Executive Director of non-profit civil rights org Brightline Defense Project, played an active role alongside intrepid community members in the long-drawn-out campaign to get rid of the dirty Potrero power plant. He discussed the campaign and acknowledged the activists who were fighting for years before he joined them.

The results of the last meeting’s brainstorming program ideas & issues for the coming year, compiled and organized, were put up on the stage. People added new ideas and stuck dots by their top choices.

Erin Miller, the new Project Manager of SFMTA’s Eastern Neighborhoods Transportation Implementation Planning Study (EN TRIPS), gave a brief introduction and overview of the plan to minimize transportation impacts of anticipated growth, and invited people to a town hall meeting the following evening.

At the end of the meeting, voting members elected 2011 Club Officers.

Happy 2011! PHDC’s first event of the year was a successful & fun joint meeting with our D10 cohorts from the recently-formed Harvey Matthews Bayview Hunters Point Democratic Club. To begin, the crowd broke up into small groups (photo below by Linda Post) to brainstorm program ideas for the coming year. Many issues came up; we’ll organize the data soon and report to both clubs.
2010 Census data have been published, and redistricting looms in San Francisco. Three veterans of the last redistricting wars, Espanola Jackson, Tony Kelly, and Ron Miguel, shared their thoughts and experiences.

Both clubs took nominations for 2011 officers – elections to be held later.

WHEN: Tuesday, January 4th at 7PM
WHERE: Potrero Hill Neighborhood House, 953 De Haro @ Southern Hts

MaliaMtg12-10Congratulations to Malia Cohen, who, after a wildly unpredictable race against 20 other candidates and many rounds of ranked-choice vote tallying, has been named the winner! We were pleased to welcome her as a special guest.

Before Supervisor-elect Cohen arrived, the meeting began with processing the recent election – but time did not permit more than a rather spirited discussion of the merits and faults of the ranked-choice system itself. Plans for the coming year will be a topic for the beginning of next month’s meeting. Thanks to those who brought food items for our annual collection for the San Francisco Food Bank!

WHEN: Tuesday, December 7th at 7PM
WHERE: Potrero Hill Neighborhood House, 953 De Haro St

DoorHanger250pxlsWe invited candidates and reps from the various Club-endorsed campaigns to the Neighborhood House with literature & campaign swag, to say a few words and answer questions. It was another chance to get to know some candidates and issues better. We introduced the cool blue door hanger (photo at right by Linda Post) designed by Rebecca Shearin, listing PHDC’s endorsements. It’s being walked by volunteers all over the Hill and Dogpatch.

Also, on the 9th anniversary of the Afghanistan war, some of us wrote letters urging Speaker Pelosi to insist on a clear timetable for U. S. military withdrawal.

We’re looking forward to tabling at the Potrero Hill Festival Saturday, October 16th. See you there.

On Tuesday, Sept. 7, Club members voted on some state propositions and all candidates on the Nov 2nd ballot. Candidates for Board of Education, Community College Board, and Assessor-Recorder spoke briefly and answered questions.

In order to be endorsed, a candidate must receive 60% of votes cast. In just two rounds of hand-counted instant-runoff voting, Tony Kelly won PHDC’s endorsement for District 10 Supervisor.

Complete list of all Club endorsements is here.

The first two Tuesday evenings in September were entirely dedicated to speakers and member voting, at the Potrero Hill Neighborhood House, 953 De Haro.

Tuesday, Sept. 14, 6:30PM: We had speakers pro & con, with Q&A, for State Propositions 19, 20, 22, and 27, and all local Propositions: AA through N. Complete list of endorsements for the November election is here.

The Neighborhood House was definitely the place to be Monday, August 2, and Tuesday, August 3, when both evenings were devoted to candidates vying for the office of Supervisor for District 10. It was standing room only the first night, and a full house the next – a total of about 250 people (a record for the Club, now in its 4th year of existence). Moderated by Keith Goldstein, President of Potrero Hill Association of Merchants and Businesses, the events gave the candidates a chance to highlight their strengths and show their differences.

Candidates who appeared, with website links if available:
Monday, August 2: Malia Cohen, Kristine Enea, Nyese Joshua, Steve Moss, Eric Smith, Lynette Sweet, Stephen Weber
Tuesday, August 3: Isaac Bowers, Espanola Jackson, Chris Jackson, Tony Kelly, DeWitt Lacy, Geoffrea Morris, Diane Wesley Smith, Marlene Tran

You can see video segments of both nights by Linda Post on You Tube here and here.

Complete videos of both nights by Joseph Schaller are here, where you can see the whole 2 nights by clicking on “Play all videos” near the top of the page, or pick and choose among the segments.

Photos from Tuesday (top) and Monday, by Linda Post:

Click here to see more photos.

Gina Abrescy/3 Energies Massage & Bodywork • Aperto • ARCH Drafting Supplies Inc • Bell & Trunk Flowers • Caffè La Stazione • Jo Cangelosi • Chat’s of San Francisco • Chiotras Grocery • Collage Gallery • Connecticut Yankee • Cup of Blues • Joni Eisen • Kristine Enea • Farley’s • Goat Hill Pizza • The Good Life Grocery • Horatius • Peter Linenthal • Moshi Moshi Sushi & Grill • Mr and Mrs Miscellaneous • Pawtrero Hill Bath House & Feed Co. • Pera • Photography by Emily Payne • Post & Parcel, Inc • Potrero Chiropractors & Acupuncture • Quince Spa • The Ramp • Rocketfish • Salazar & Heath Inc • San Francisco Center for the Book • Marlene Tran • Yield Wine Bar

At our last meeting, Public Defender Jeff Adachi (right), jadachirecently named Public Defender of the Year by the Public Defenders Association, presented his ideas on how to alleviate the city budget shortfall by reforming the pension system.

Click here to watch 2-part video by Linda Post.

Our May meeting ran too late to vote on defeating the November water bonds, so Adam Scow (below left) of Food & Water Watch was back with a brief review before the vote: NO on the water bonds.ascow

Two more candidates for District 10 Supervisor introduced themselves: Chris Jackson and Marlene Tran. We discussed various other items of Club business and future fun. Photos by Rebecca Shearin.

WHERE: Potrero Hill Neighborhood House, 953 De Haro St @ Southern Heights
WHEN: Tuesday, June 1st, at 7:00PM

The Club revisited and further explored three issues that we have examined in the past, ranging from within the district to statewide – and of course they’re all related.

In District 10, there has been ongoing concern about the environmental impacts of development in the Bayview. We continued that discussion, this time with members of POWER (People Organized to Win Employment Rights) Jaron Browne and Nyese Joshua.

The citizens of San Francisco are moving toward theSolarCity ability to pool their purchasing power to buy electricity from more sustainable sources – unless PG&E succeeds in effectively wiping out all competition with the deceptive Prop 16. “Community Choice Aggregation” is now known as CleanPowerSF, and was described by Caroline Teng of SF LAFCo.

Then, following up on our panel discussion of the California water crisis, Adam Scow of Food & Water Watch gave reasons to flush the state water bond on the November ballot. however, it was to late to vote on an endorsement either way, so Adam will return June 1st.

At the beginning of the meeting, Alex Tourk from Why Tuesday introducing the idea of adding Saturday as an election day, and in the middle, Isaac Bowers and Rev. Nina Pickerrell, candidates for District 10 Supervisor, introduced themselves.

WHEN: Tuesday, May 4th, at 7:00PM
WHERE: Potrero Hill Neighborhood House, 953 De Haro @ Southern Heights

The members of Potrero Hill Democratic Club voted at the April 6th meeting to have the opportunity to hear all candidates for the SF Democratic County Central Committee in District 13, not just the ones who have never been elected to public office. All candidates were therefore invited to schedule an appearance. Twenty-three candidates were heard from, 21 in person and 2 through surrogates. The following candidates passed the 60% threshold and got the club’s endorsement: Keith Baraka, David Campos, David Chiu, Hope Johnson, Rafael Mandelman, Aaron Peskin, Debra Walker.

We thank all the candidates for taking the time to speak to us, and for their dedication to making a difference in San Francisco.

WHEN: Monday, April 19th, at 7:00PM
WHERE: Potrero Hill Neighborhood House, 953 De Haro @ Southern Heights

Speakers on local and state propositions included State Senator Leland Yee and SF Board of Supervisors President David Chiu, Sierra Club’s John Rizzo, and Planning Commission President Ron Miguel. We had appearances by candidate for Insurance Commissioner Hector De La Torre, candidate for Superintendent of Public Instruction Larry Aceves, and a campaign rep for Superintendent of Public Instruction candidate Tom Torlakson. Candidates for the SF Democratic Central Committee spoke to us, but the membership voted to postpone voting on that race to a later meeting, to which the Club will invite all 30 candidates. Here are our endorsements so far for the June 8, 2010 Statewide Direct Primary Election.

India Basin India Basin is the waterfront neighborhood just south of Potrero Hill which extends from Heron’s Head Park (formerly Pier 98) to Hunters Point Shipyard, and from the hilltop to the shore. This shoreline remains largely undeveloped, and the neighborhood underserved. At our March 2nd meeting, Kristine Enea from the India Basin Neighborhood Association presented its Shoreline Community Vision, illustrated with brochures, but technical difficulties prevented the showing of slides.

The endorsement process for the June 8th Primary Election kicked off for PHDC with reps from two campaigns for Attorney General: Kamala Harris and Chris Kelly. Following an introductory talk by City Attorney Dennis Herrera, we held a judicial forum of the seven candidates for the two contested seats on San Francisco Superior Court: Linda Colfax, Harry Dorfman, Roderick McLeod, Robert Retana for Seat 6; Dan Dean, Michael Nava, incumbent Richard Ulmer for Seat 15.

Meeting Audio and Photos »

SactoSmallJohn deCastro of Repair California discussed the campaign for what some consider to be the only way to make sweeping changes to state government and wrestle our state back from special interests: a “limited” Constitutional Convention, only focused on governance issues. Update: Due to lack of funds, the campaign has withdrawn its initiatives. StarrKing

Starr King Openspace is a serpentine grassland habitat which literally belongs to all residents of Potrero Hill. Caroline Bird, President of the Board of the newly-revamped nonprofit, and Andie Grace, another board member, described the recent changes and opportunities.

Three more District 10 Supervisor candidate introductions, amending Club Bylaws, nomination and election of 2010 Officers, and various announcements and updates rounded out a very full agenda.

Meeting Audio and Photos »

CA Majority Rule

January 4th, 2010

State CapitolThat is, bring it back! California is the only state in the nation which requires a 2/3 vote for both revenue and budget. Just one sentence will fix that: “All legislative action on revenue and budget must be determined by majority rule.” That, in essence, is the ballot proposition for November 2010 submitted to the Attorney General by author and UC Berkeley linguistics Professor George Lakoff.

Sonoma State University philosophy Professor Teed Rockwell of the CA Majority Rule campaign spoke to us about bringing sanity back to the state legislative process. The Club endorsed the initiative. If you would like to sign the San Francisco petition to get it on the November ballot, please email contact_us@phdemclub.org .

Also, one more candidate for Supervisor in District 10 introduced herself and spoke briefly.

Meeting Audio and Photos »

Potluck & Planning Party

December 1st, 2009

ZahraSamir copy
This meeting we had no particular agenda other than tossing around ideas for the coming year. But we had a surprise visit from Saul Bloom of Arc Ecology, asking the membership to sign on to a letter to Mayor Newsom, requesting an extension of the 45-day public comment period on the Draft Environmental Impact Report for the Hunters Point Shipyard/Candlestick Point project to 90 days. We voted to do so. We also ate, drank, schmoozed and bought some of the new 94107 t-shirts, iwhich include youth sizes (worn by Zahra and Samir at left).

Members and guests brought food or drink to share, and 98 lbs of food donated to the Food Bank. Thanks everyone for a gratifying ending to our third year!

Tuolumne tributaryAs California endures a third consecutive year of drought, PHDC hosted a spirited panel discussion about WATER: what the result of the closed-door water bill negotiations in Sacramento might mean to cities north and 52south, farms in the middle, fish and other wildlife; what we as individuals can do to conserve and protect this most precious resource;  and much more. Our panel of experts, who explained, advocated, argued, and enlightened, were Jennifer Clary, water policy and legislative analyst for Clean Water Action; Adam Scow, senior organizer at Food and Water Watch; Laura Spanjian, Assistant General Manager of External Affairs for the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission; Jessie Raeder, Bay Area organizer with the Tuolumne River Trust. Moderator was PHDC member Loretta Lynch, former president of the California Public Utilities Commission. We thank the moderator, panelists, and audience participants for an altogether excellent program!

Meeting Audio and Photos »

MarkL49At our October meeting, close to 80 people came to hear Senator Mark Leno (left) discuss health care in the City,  the state (SB 810), and the nation; his work as Chair of the Senate Public Safety Committee; budget and water issues. He thanked the Club for our letter about his bill SB 792 – even though it was a letter of opposition. He told us he took our concerns seriously and tried to address them (see links below to handouts on SB 792).  Assemblyman Tom Ammiano (right), also Chair of the Public Safety Committee (Assembly), answered questions on equally pressing issues, including AB 390, his bill to legalize marijuana, and the helipad at SF General. We met three more candidates for District 10 Supervisor (our first six were at the August meeting – more to come): Marie Franklin, Kristine Enea, and Dr. James Calloway.

Senator Leno brought three handouts to the meeting:
SB 792 Fact Sheet
State Parks Exchange Map Overall
SB 792 Sierra Club California Letter ( neutral )

Meeting Audio and Photos »

votebuttonOur September meeting was about elections particular and general. There were speakers for and against the five local propositions on the November 3rd ballot, and the two candidates, incumbent City Treasurer José Cisneros and incumbent City Attorney Dennis Herrera, seeking endorsement. Also, Alan Dechert, founder and President of Open Voting Consortium, discussed open-source voting: what it is, the problems it solves, and how it can be implemented.

The ballot issues were more nuanced than one would have thought, with plausible arguments on both sides. In fact, only one ballot measure gained the 60% vote necessary for Club endorsement: Yes on Prop E: (Limiting) Advertising on City Property. Both candidates earned our endorsement, and while we were at it, we unanimously passed a Public Option health care resolution.

Meeting Audio and Photos »

PHDC’s August meeting covered issues at all levels of government. First on the agenda was a national issue: Members passed a resolution, presented by antiwar activist Tom Gallagher, urging Speaker Pelosi to co-sponsor HR 2404 requiring the Secretary of Defense to submit a report to Congress by year’s end outlining the US exit strategy for military forces in Afghanistan.

Next, San Francisco Assessor-Recorder Phil Ting cited a key reason California continues to fall behind: Proposition 13, which affords vast property tax loopholes for California’s largest corporate property owners while  shifting the tax burden to individual homeowners, and dramatically reducing California’s overall revenue for vital services. Mr. Ting presented ideas for closing the loophole, inviting people to join his campaign.

Then on to San Francisco politics: This month we started our year-long effort to give candidates for District 10 Supervisor a chance to meet with their would-be constituents. We welcomed 6 candidates in District 10 to have the floor for brief introductions; we will be doing many more such meetings in the coming months. The election is in November, 2010.

For an article (San Francisco FYI) about the meeting, and more photos, click HERE.

Meeting Audio and Photos »

ScaleMore than seventy people joined in yet another lively and informative discussion. Our panel invigorated and inspired us: Linda Leu, organizer for Health Access and the Health Care for America Now campaign, and also a volunteer with Organizing for America, formerly Obama for America; longtime progressive activist Don Bechler, chair of Single Payer Now; Justin Davis, M.D., Potrero Hill primary- and urgent-care physician; Catherine Dodd, RN, Mayor Newsom’s Deputy Chief of Staff overseeing Health, Human Services, Aging Services and Children Youth and Family Services.

Take action:
• July 9th rally at noon with MoveOn.org for a strong public option, at Senator Feinstein’s office.
• July 11th health care canvass in the neighborhood with Organizing for America.
• Single Payer Now has classes on single-payer, and many more opportunities for activism.

More about the meeting: an article by Bonnie Baron in the Potrero View, and a story by Linda Post on San Francisco FYI.

Meeting Audio and Photos »

JeffAdachiFollowing a brief business meeting and further discussion of Lennar’s plans for Bayview/Hunters Point/Candlestick open space and development, the club welcomed Jeff Adachi, California’s only publicly elected Public Defender. See our calendar for details.

Meeting Audio and Photos »

LeahPimentelFirst, Leah Pimentel (right) of GRID Alternatives described their program, which provides qualifying lower-income homeowners with photovoltaic systems to produce clean electricity – without increasing monthly household expenses.
Next, Saul Bloom, Executive Director of Arc Ecology, and Arthur Feinstein (left) of the Sierra Club explained their alternate concepts to Lennar’s plans for Bayview/Hunters Point/Candlestick open space and development.

Finally, Quintin Mecke, Communications Director for Assemblyman Tom Ammiano, and David Beaupre of the Port of San Francisco sought and won the Club’s support of AB 1176, to enable adequate financing for the cleanup, restoration and development of Pier 70.

Meeting Audio and Photos »

SophiebyBrancaThe statewide Special Election is Tuesday, May 19th. Speakers for our April 7th meeting were District 10 Supervisor Sophie Maxwell (right) to discuss potential local effects of the budget, plus Rick Wathen of California Teachers Association and Beyond Chron Managing Editor Paul Hogarth (below, left and right), both of whom spoke in detail about the six propositions, for and against respectively.

RickPaulbyBranca3Club endorsement votes were tallied at the end of the meeting: NO on 1A, 1C, 1D, and 1E, and no position on 1B and 1F.

There was also an update by Chris Jackson of the SF Labor Council, on Bayview/Hunters Point development plans as they pertain to SB 792.

Meeting Audio and Photos »

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