Prop H vs. Prop IArguments pro and con for a variety of measures on the November 4th ballot made for an engaging evening of mini-debates. There was a literal turf battle (at right, Mike Murphy & Donald Collins argue real vs. fake grass in the parks), the Pier 70 development height limit increase, an attempt to “balance” transportation priorities (oh, pity the poor cars!), the sugary beverage tax, a question about an amendment to overturn Citizens United, an anti-speculation tax, a fund for children and youth. In short, something for almost everyone.

Club members voted at the end of the evening. Results of the vote: PHDC endorsed YES on Props C (Children’s Fund), E (Sugary beverage tax), F (Pier 70), G (anti-speculation tax), H (natural grass in Golden Gate Park), and 49 (overturning Citizens United).

PHDC endorsed NO on Props I (artificial turf) and L (Transportation priorities policy). Endorsement requires 60% of votes cast.

The Club also voted to support the Eden Foods boycott (featuring another Hobby Lobby-esque owner suing to foist his own religious beliefs on employees).

WHEN: Tuesday August 5 at 7:00pm
WHERE: Potrero Hill Neighborhood House, 953 De Haro St @ Southern Heights

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