March 3, 2020 Presidential Primary Election Endorsements

The Potrero Hill Democratic Club voted January 7 on endorsements for the March 3, 2020 Presidential Primary Election. 


Endorsement in a single seat race requires that a candidate receives at least 60% of votes cast by Regular members present and members voting by absentee ballot. “No Position” means that no candidates received at least 60% of the vote. 

Democratic Presidential Candidate
Elizabeth Warren

U.S. Representative, District 12
Nancy Pelosi

State Senate, District 11
No Position

State Assembly, District 17
David Chiu

Superior Court Judge, Seat 1
No Position

Superior Court Judge, Seat 18

Dorothy Chou Proudfoot

Superior Court Judge, Seat 21
Rani Singh

The endorsement threshold for multi-seat races, where candidates do not need a majority of votes to win on election day, is 50% of the votes cast by Regular members present and members voting by absentee ballot.

Anabel Ibanez
Austin Hunter
Bevan Dufty
David Campos
Frances Hsieh
Hillary Ronen
Jane Kim
John Avalos
Matt Haney
Rafael Mandelman
Shamann Walton
Shanell Williams
Shaun Haines
Sophie Maxwell

Yes on A (City College Job Training, Repair and Earthquake Safety Measure)
Yes on B (San Francisco Earthquake Safety and Emergency Response Bond, 2020)
Yes on C (Retiree Health Care Benefits for Former Employees of the San Francisco Housing Authority)
Yes on D (Vacancy Tax)
Yes on E (Limits on Office Development)

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