Resolution in support of concession workers at AT&T Park

WHEREAS, concession workers employed by Giants’ subcontractor Centerplate have gone without a contract or raise in 4 years; and

WHEREAS, Centerplate’s move to further limit access to healthcare, despite the already limited access caused by the seasonal nature of the work, puts workers’ and their families’ health in jeopardy; and

WHEREAS, concession workers currently have no guarantee that they would not lose their jobs should the Giants replace Centerplate with new concessionaire;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Potrero Hill Democratic Club supports a fair contract for the concession workers employed by Centerplate at AT&T Park.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Potrero Hill Democratic Club calls on the Giants to sign a job security agreement with regards to its concession workers, and to cause Centerplate to arrive at a fair contract agreement with the concession workers’ union.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Potrero Hill Democratic Club urges all of its members and other AT&T Park patrons to boycott concession food and to bring their own food to AT&T Park until such an agreement is reached.

Passed by Potrero Hill Democratic Club in San Francisco, January 8, 2014

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