San Francisco’s Municipal Election is November 5, 2013. It’s true that the three citywide officers who are running for election or reelection are running unopposed – but that’s no reason not to take advantage of a great opportunity to meet them face-to-face, find out what they’ve done and intend to do, and ask them anything you want. Appearing before the Club seeking endorsement – successfully – were:
Carmen Chu for Assessor-Recorder (appointed incumbent) -Â endorsed
José Cisneros for Treasurer (incumbent) – endorsed
Dennis Herrera for City Attorney (incumbent) – endorsed
Four local propositions are on the ballot as well, and they are more complicated than you might think. After speakers pro & con for Props A, B, and D, with plenty of back-and-forth between the sides, as well as audience Q&A, the Club endorsed the following votes on the November ballot:
A. Retiree Health Care Trust Fund. Charter Amendment – YESÂ
B. 8 Washington Street – (developer’s) Initiative. Ordinance – NO
C. 8 Washington Street – Referendum. Ordinance. – NO (PHDC had already voted previously to oppose)
D. Prescription Drug Purchasing. Declaration of Policy. – YES
The meeting ended with members signing up to help with our annual party & auction, coming Saturday, September 28th at Dogpatch Saloon (see below).