The December meeting of Potrero Hill Democratic Club – co-sponsored by Noe Valley Democratic Club and San Francisco for Democracy – was about the (mostly gratifying) results of the election – especially the unanticipated gift of a Democratic super-majority in both of California’s state houses. Special guests included Assemblyman Tom Ammiano (left), who began the program by describing the situation and prospects for reform in Sacramento, and then took questions. Next, CA Democratic Party Region 4 Director and Calitics blogger Brian Leubitz and Helen Grieco, Common Cause Organizer for Northen California spoke briefly, then joined a series of small round-table discussions with attendees. The gathering concluded with brief reports from each table “host,” then Helen led a wrap-up discussion with Q&A. Conversations centered around what issues participants most wanted to see addressed by elected representatives, and ultimately how we, individually and as a club, can best work to move forward in realizing our goals. It was one of our liveliest meetings, and quite well-attended.
Tuesday, December 4 at 7pm
Potrero Hill Neighborhood House
953 De Haro St @ Southern Heights