Prop F mini-debateTUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1st, 6:30pm. Housing and Good-Government night at PHDC. Props A, D, F, I, J, & K (housing) and C & E (good government) were covered. There were mini-debates on the more contentious propositions: D – Mission Rock, former Mayor Art Agnos vs. Jon Golinger; F – Short-Term Residential Rentals, Dale Carlson vs. George Marshall (photo at right); I – Suspension of Market-Rate Development in the Mission, Edwin Lindo vs. Jay Cheng.  Props  A and C, whose only known opposition came from a lone Republican, had opposing arguments presented by PHDC  board members. Props J and K, also apparently opposed by a lone Republican, actually had another Republican show up at the last minute to debate Supervisor David Campos and Fernando Marti respectively. Prop E’s proponent could not appear, so PHDC filled in. Also, District Attorney George Gascon spoke briefly about his tenure and (unopposed) campaign.

TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15th, 7:00pm. Ed Lee is NOT running unopposed! Serious candidates for Mayor who have thought long and hard about the issues that matter most to San Franciscans should be afforded the opportunity to share their ideas via public debates and policy discussions. Mayor Lee, are you up to the challenge?  Mayoral candidate debate/discussion, with Francisco Herrera, Dan Kappler (write-in), Amy Farah Weiss and others invited. We will also hear from two actually unopposed candidates: City Attorney Dennis Herrera and Treasurer José Cisneros (surrogate). We will hear about the three remaining ballot measures: B, G, & H.

Both meetings will take place at Potrero Hill Neighborhood House, 953 De Haro St at Southern Hts.



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