Since the District 10 Supervisor, the City Attorney and the Sheriff are all our neighbors – and PHDC members – the Club decided to invite them all separately to address members and guests on their current and future projects. Sheriff Ross Mirkarimi appeared and gave a lively, informative and well-received talk, followed by audience Q&A.

Alas, the other two could not make it this time. Supervisor Malia Cohen submitted her goals and priorities for the next term via a summary document distributed at the meeting, and City Attorney Dennis Herrera agreed to appear before the Club on March 3rd.

Larry Bush, Friend of Ethics, columnist & editor of CitiReport,  joined us to talk about campaign finance and other ethics reforms called for in his Feb 2 op-ed in the Chronicle. Club members voted to send letters to the SF Ethics Commissioners, urging the Commission to consider and act on these reforms at its February and March meetings.

Executive Committee Members Bob Boileau and Loretta Lynch, respectively, presented updates on the Eden Foods boycott and reaching voters in large multi-unit buildings with the PHDC hand-delivered slate card.

Members elected the following officers for 2015:
President Joni Eisen
1st VP Membership Monisha Mustapha
2nd VP Political Action Loretta Lynch
Secretary J.R. Eppler
Treasurer Carlin Holden
Tech Officer John O’Neill
Officers-At-Large Bob Boileau, Kate Gaidos Eppler, Eliana López 

WHEN: Tuesday, February 3rd at 7pm
WHERE: Potrero Hill Neighborhood House, 953 De Haro St @ Southern Heights

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