Our July “meeting” took place in Dolores Park on a sizzling Fourth, campaigning for the CA DISCLOSE Act, registering voters, and watching the SF Mime Troupe’s premier performance. Then we were ready to return to our regular venue on the Hill.Bush, Chiu, Herrera, Eppler

City Attorney Dennis Herrera and Board of Supervisors President David Chiu (center, r. to l.), having introduced a package of local ethics reform legislation, both appeared on a panel with Larry Bush (left), editor of CitiReport.com and a member of Friends of Ethics. The excellent, illuminating and thought-provoking panel was skilfully moderated by club secretary J.R. Eppler (right). Photo by Jo Elias-Jackson.

WHEN: Tuesday, August 6th at 7pm
WHERE: Potrero Hill Neighborhood House, 953 De Haro St


Sunday Streets in the Mission, July 28th. Volunteers take a break from registering voters and campaigning for the California DISCLOSE Act. Photo by Linda Post.Sunday Streets in the Mission July 28


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