OIL. The upper safety limit for atmospheric CO2 is 350 parts per million (ppm). We’ve just hit 400 ppm. Dave Massen (SF group leader) and Jeff Whittington of Citizens Climate Lobby (click here for recent NY Times article about CCL) want to cut greenhouse gas emissions and promote transition to a green energy economy through carbon fee and dividend: taxing carbon pollution from fossil fuels, and returning the proceeds to American households. This idea is an alternative to cap and trade, which now exists in California. After the presentation (photo above by Maulik Shah), Club members voted to sign on to a letter urging Congress to enact carbon fee & div
idend legislation.
WATERFRONT. Is the proposed Golden State Warriors Arena development project for Piers 30-32 being rushed through without appropriate scrutiny? Former Mayor Art Agnos of the San Francisco Waterfront Alliance thinks so, and he told us why. Warriors President and Chief Operating Officer Rick Welts joined Mayor Agnos with a different perspective. Many questions, much passion, a great meeting.
Photo by Linda Post
WHEN: Tuesday, June 4th at 7pm
WHERE: Potrero Hill Neighborhood House, 953 De Haro St