Archive for the ‘Environment’ category

Hear from Flip the Vote, strategically working towards winning Democratic control of all three branches of the federal government by directly supporting carefully-researched, trusted partner groups in key swing states. And PHDC members representing SF Climate Emergency Coalition and Citizens’ Climate Lobby SF chapter will describe the critical work being done to promote climate action at the […]

Please join us again at the historic, beautiful Neighborhood House in person. Masks and proof of vaccination are required to enter the building. Light snacks will be served. WHAT: PHDC’s June membership meeting WHEN: Tuesday, June 14th, 6:30 – 8:30pm WHERE: Potrero Hill Neighborhood House, 953 De Haro St We will hear two points of view about CCSF’s […]

PHDC’s April membership meeting, co-hosted by San Francisco Tomorrow, is packed with ideas for reversing climate change. Panelists include: Gabrielle Lichtenstein, Sunrise Movement/Green New Deal Michelle Pierce, Bayview Hunters Point Community Advocates /SF’s Climate Emergency Declaration Daniel Tahara, Citizens’ Climate Lobby/federal climate legislation recently introduced Magick Altman, Extinction Rebellion/direct action. We’ll also hear an update […]

Two-plus weeks after the “inauguration,” we find that all the challenges we feared are coming at us, almost all at once.  So for the foreseeable future, our Club will focus on ongoing, practical resistance against the Republican agenda in Washington, and the corporate agenda in Sacramento and City Hall.  Each meeting will start with quick […]

City College Trustee John Rizzo, recently returned from testifying in DC against the deservedly disgraced accrediting commission, gave an update on the situation at CCSF. With the help of PHDC’s mascot. Photo: John O’Neill. District 2 Supervisor Mark Farrell discussed the Shared Schoolyard Project, which he revamped in 2012 to open playgrounds to the public […]

VOTE!!! Since our regular venue, the Neighborhood House theater, will be used as a polling place, PHDC will hold its monthly meeting in the back room of the Connecticut Yankee. After you vote – and get out the vote – come enjoy snacks on us, no-host bar, camaraderie and a couple of brief presentations: SF […]

What is the impact of the worst drought in 1300 years on San Francisco, its residents and the Bay environment? Are we doing enough? Come hear and question the experts on anything related to the current (and future?) drought. The panel: Jennifer Clary, Water Program Manager, Clean Water Action Barry Nelson, Bay Conservation & Development […]

Sue Vaughan spoke in opposition to AB 61, introduced in the State Assembly by Travis Allen, R-Huntington Beach, which would grant legal authority to local transit agencies to allow private shuttles to use public bus stops. Here’s an SF Examiner article about AB 61. The Club voted to send a letter of opposition to the […]

Arguments pro and con for a variety of measures on the November 4th ballot made for an engaging evening of mini-debates. There was a literal turf battle (at right, Mike Murphy & Donald Collins argue real vs. fake grass in the parks), the Pier 70 development height limit increase, an attempt to “balance” transportation priorities (oh, […]

Potrero Hill Democratic Club presented a lively and informative debate between the two Supervisors running to succeed Tom Ammiano in the State Assembly, District 17: David Campos and David Chiu. The two Davids, both Harvard-educated attorneys, agreed that they agreed on a lot – and also tried to bring their differences into sharp focus.  Moderator, […]

A presentation about PUC policy and proposed water rate hikes by the SF Public Utilities Commission‘s Yolanda Manzone (center left), Environmental Justice and Land Use Analyst, and Jamie Querubin (center right), SFPUC Financial Analyst,  was followed by a very lively conversation about the drought, its implications and, yes, opportunities, with Jennifer Clary (left),Water Policy and […]

Since our regular meeting place – the theater at the Neighborhood House – was a polling place on election night, we gathered at the Dogpatch Saloon, site of our recent auction.  CCSF Trustee Rafael Mandelman presented his recently proposed Resolution in Support of City College (the club signed on to the SaveCCSF coalition back in […]

OIL. The upper safety limit for atmospheric CO2 is 350 parts per million (ppm). We’ve just hit 400 ppm. Dave Massen (SF group leader) and Jeff Whittington of Citizens Climate Lobby (click here for recent NY Times article about CCL) want to cut greenhouse gas emissions and promote transition to a green energy economy through […]

With increased population growth, climate change, and the inevitable “big one,” securing San Francisco’s water supply will require creative and forward-looking plans. Attendees heard from experts about these and other water issues in our city and in the state, including: the dangers fracking in California; ways that San Francisco is slowly mitigating its practice of […]

Final details for our August 11th party & auction. Preview of auction items. Organizing for America neighborhood team leader Kierith Jones and Obama convention delegate Arthur Murillo with news of several ways to get involved, now and in the future. Jon Golinger, Campaign Director for the No Wall on the Waterfront Campaign, against the 8 Washington […]

To continue the momentum of Earth Day, this meeting was all about the environment: • Jason Fried (left), Senior Program Officer, SF Local Agency Formation Commission, described CleanPowerSF, last heard about at PHDC in 2010. The City’s custom-tailored community choice aggregation program (CCA) is the culmination of a collaboration of City agencies to develop a […]

Another terrific meeting! Heartfelt thanks to Joshua Clayton, Andy Gillis, Rachel Lyra Hospodar, Jane Smith, and Janice Suess, active participants in the various Working Groups within Occupy San Francisco, who engaged members and friends of PHDC in a spirited, eye-opening conversation. Find more photos on our Facebook page. Also, after a presentation and Q&A with […]

Dennis Herrera for Mayor, David Onek for District Attorney, and Chris Cunnie for Sheriff, plus Ken Tray of UESF for Yes on A and No on H came by to touch base, to thank the Club for its endorsement, and to let us know how we can help their campaigns. We previewed our door hanger […]

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