Archive for the ‘Labor’ category

Please join us again at the historic, beautiful Neighborhood House in person. Masks and proof of vaccination are required to enter the building. Light snacks will be served. WHAT: PHDC’s June membership meeting WHEN: Tuesday, June 14th, 6:30 – 8:30pm WHERE: Potrero Hill Neighborhood House, 953 De Haro St We will hear two points of view about CCSF’s […]

Labor unions have a long history in San Francisco, and continue to be a significant force in the San Francisco business community and government. This Tuesday March 5, we’ll have several speakers that will discuss current issues in labor that affect San Francisco and Potrero Hill.  Among our guests: Rudy Gonzalez, Executive Director from the […]

Tues Nov 7th:

November 2nd, 2017

Dan Bernal, Congressional Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi‘s SF Chief of Staff, will discuss and answer your questions about  the insanity of the past year on Capitol Hill.  Closer to home, familiar ally Jon Golinger will discuss and read from his new book: Saving San Francisco’s Heart: How to win elections, reclaim our city, and keep […]

At Tuesday’s meeting, we’ll bring this year’s ongoing phonebanking directly into our club! If you’ve never phonebanked, or if you are phonebank-curious, this will be a fun and easy introduction, brought to us by our allies at DemocracyAction to what it’s like, and why it’s important. We’ll also hear about (and vote whether to support) […]

Some of our endorsed candidates for the SF DCCC came for a meet-and-greet. The SF Democratic County Central Committee, the governing body of the SF Democratic Party, registers voters and makes endorsements. Their citywide election mailers powerfully influence Democratic voters to support or oppose particular candidates and ballot measures. But we believe the DCCC has […]

Sheriff Ross Mirkarimi (right) gave an update on happenings in and around the SF Sheriff’s Department, including a number of initiatives regarding public safety and rehabilitation both inside and outside the jail system. Ed Kinchley, SEIU 2121’s political education co-chair, talked about the Campaign for a Healthy California, whose mission is to “finish the job […]

To begin our  eighth year, PHDC had several things on the agenda: ● Presentation by UNITE HERE Local 2, representing the 750 concession workers at AT&T Park. Employed by a subcontractor called Centerplate, they are involved in a difficult campaign to achieve a fair contract  and haven’t had a wage increase or new contract since […]

It was back to politics on Tuesday: Leaders of organized labor spoke about the movement’s relevance. PHDC’s regular monthly meeting featured Mike Casey (left), President of the San Francisco Labor Council, and Michael Theriault, Secretary-Treasurer of the San Francisco Building and Construction Trades Council. Though frequently in solidarity, their respective organizations are not always in […]

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