One key role of the Club is making informed endorsements. Primary endorsements for federal and state offices remain in effect for the General Election. We are sending questionnaires to local candidates and researching local and state measures to ensure our endorsement process is inclusive and informative.

With so many candidates and measures this November, we’ll have two meetings. On August 4th, we’ll consider state propositions and City College Board. On September 1st, we’ll discuss the Board of Education, BART Board and local ballot measures. We will have a robust program to ensure all residents of our community vote on or before November 3rd.
Please mark your calendars for the August 4th and September 1st meetings, beginning at 7:00 PM online. Complete details for each meeting, including call-in information and, for voting members, a ballot to complete and return, will be sent shortly before the meetings.

2020 City College Questionnaire Responses

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