We are going to meet virtually to plan for November’s election and keep up to date with COVID-19 developments

This Tuesday, May 5 at 7:00 PM would usually be our regular meeting at the Neighborhood House. With Shelter-In-Place extended for another month, we’ll connect and discuss our plans for November by Zoom.
1. Voter’s Choice The Board of Supervisors is considering legislation to change November’s election. The proposal will send every San Francisco voter a ballot to return by mail. We will discuss this measure and how it will impact our work of registering and turning out voters. We’ve invited District 10 Supervisor Shamann Walton to join this important discussion.
2. Membership & Endorsements In order to make endorsements for the November election, we need you! First, please renew your membership so you’ll be eligible to vote. We expect to make endorsements right after close of filing in August.
3. Make sure your voter registration is up-to-date. One thing we can do with this extra time is make sure we’re all registered to vote. If someone in your household has turned 18, or you’ve moved recently, or you have a new housemate, it’s a good time to register. The Elections Department has a Voter Portal that allows you to check your registration here. You can make changes to your voter record here.
4. COVID-19 Updates In these challenging and ever changing times, it’s important to keep up with current information to protect ourselves and others. sf.gov/coronavirus is the local website with the most current updates. You can also call 3-1-1 for information and resources such as food, transportation and healthcare.