LeahPimentelFirst, Leah Pimentel (right) of GRID Alternatives described their program, which provides qualifying lower-income homeowners with photovoltaic systems to produce clean electricity – without increasing monthly household expenses.
Next, Saul Bloom, Executive Director of Arc Ecology, and Arthur Feinstein (left) of the Sierra Club explained their alternate concepts to Lennar’s plans for Bayview/Hunters Point/Candlestick open space and development.

Finally, Quintin Mecke, Communications Director for Assemblyman Tom Ammiano, and David Beaupre of the Port of San Francisco sought and won the Club’s support of AB 1176, to enable adequate financing for the cleanup, restoration and development of Pier 70.

Audio and Photos:

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Photos: Quint King ( for individual photos click HERE )

Officer Reports by Joni Eisen

Grid Alternatives Solar by Leah Pimentel

Alternatives To Lennar Corp Plans by Saul Bloom And Arthur Feinstein

Pier 70 Restoration by Quintin Mecke

Announcements by Joni Eisen

Quint King
Secretary, Potrero Hill Democratic Club

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