First-term Assemblymember (and PHDC-endorsed candidate for re-election) David Chiu won the 17th District Assembly seat in a close and hard-fought race in 2014.  Since then, he and his family have moved to Bayview, where he has seen first-hand some of the issues of our corner of the City.  Assemblymember Chiu makes his first visit to the Club since that election (our fault, not his; we’ve been busy!) to tell us of some of his work and experiences in the statehouse, and of course take some Q&A from our members.  Join us!

We will also hear a little more from some of ourother endorsed candidates and campaigns about where they stand and how we can work together between now and Election Day.  Remember, for about 2/3 of the Hill Election Day arrives in less than two weeks, with vote-by-mail ballots!

For the full list of our Club endorsements for the November election, click here, or check out our ad in the October edition of the Potrero View.

There will be signups to deliver the famous PHDC election door hanger, and to staff our booth at the Potrero Hill Festival Saturday Oct 15th. 1st VP Bob Boileau chairs the meeting, while President Tony Kelly works on a theater project in Ireland.

WHEN: Tuesday, October 4th, 7:00 pm
WHERE: Potrero Hill Neighborhood House, 953 De Haro St

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