By all means help get out the vote for your favorite candidate or campaign. Then grab a drink, salad or dessert to share and head on over to 824B Carolina – behind the Neighborhood House this time, since our regular venue is being used as a polling place. Pizza’s on us.


Special guest Barry Hermanson will speak about the need to reduce military spending. More details about the meeting are on our calendar.

Audio and Photos:

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Photos: Rebecca Shearin

Club Officer Reports

Club Bylaws Amendments by Joni Eisen

Club Bylaws Rewrite by Joni Eisen

SF Music And Culture Charter by Nathan Purkiss and Steven Raspa

Absurd Military Budget by Barry Hermanson

Decriminalization Of Prostitution by Maxine Doogan

Quint King
Secretary, Potrero Hill Democratic Club

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Copyright © 2009-2025 Potrero Hill Democratic Club